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The Tower of babel Collapsed After Soleus's Defeat. The Tower was no longer stable could not sustain itself. It fell to the ground like a mighty giant, Leaving an impact crater. It's Debris and Remains were Scattered across the Desert. The tower was now only a remnant of the past.
Lilith had fallen unconscious Because of this and Now was resting on the desert sand.

" I did it Mother......"
She whispered to herself in her desolate sleep.

"There she is!!!!"
Her Friends - Cecilia, Iana and Natsumi all somehow survived the fall from the tower and were now looking for their heroic friend.
"Look! There she is!" Iana in the distance spotted Their heroic friend laying down in the sand.

They stood over there friend looking down at her proudly. They could not believe that this goofball of a girl had just saved the world from a demon god.
"Wake up sleepy head!" Iana like a child teasing prodded Lilith's head with her finger.

"H-Huh?"Lilith awoke from her slumber and was greeted by the ever warm faces of her friends.
"Guys!" She swiftly stood up from the ground and quickly hugged all 3 of her friends.
"*Sniff*" I cant believe we did it...." she cried as her eyes teared up.

They all hugged like they had never done before with love and a strange but great feeling of warmth in their hearts.
The four friends Hugged for what felt like an eternity.
"Lilith... I'm so sorry that I ever doubted you... -And I've been a bit difficult ever since we met."
For once in her life cecilia apologized. It felt genuine to lilith and she responded with:
"It's fine Cecilia. I will admit, I've been a bad leader. I've treated you all like you were my subordinates and not my equals."
"-and For that... I'm truly sorry." Lilith bowed to her friends respectfully.

Cecilia accepted her apology by shaking Lilith's hand.
Both of the girls now had a mutual understanding of each other and they had bonded on more than just a spiritual level.

"Well then. With all that settled why don't we go home and have some of that sweet ice cream maria has been bragging about?" Iana Surmised.
"Yeah, Now that all the demons are gone we can finally Relax for once in our lives!" Natsumi  Declared as put her hands behind her head leisurely.

"Sorry guys but...." Lilith broke the mood.
"While Soleus is Indeed gone, The demons are Still in this world!" She Exclaimed.
" -By Destroying Soleus we only prevented more Demons from coming into earth and weakened the ones already here." She explained. Her three friends looked down in disappointment at this news. It felt like there hopes and dreams were dashed away in a second. Despair overcame their hearts and they almost wanted to cry.

"Guys, Dont give into despair. Sure, We'll probably have to still keep on fighting for awhile. But in the end, as long as we don't give up and keep believing in ourselves and each other we will succeed."

Her friends looked up again, Reinvigorated with hope in their hearts and love in their souls. All four of them looked to the sunset and their future.

"-But yes. Let's go get that Ice cream!"

To Kill A God - END

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