Chapter 39 A demon god

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His voice boomed over my ears. It had to be at least 200 Decibels.
I couldn't even move or even reply to His voice. I just stood there in awe.
his head slightly Titled downward, causing me to flinch In fear. I almost froze within my own terror.
I plucked up courage.
"Soleus I have come here on behalf of humanity to end Your constant siege of the earth and to restore hope to humanity." I Declared.

"Hahahahha." His voiced changed into something more calm and lowly but still sinister.
"What a joke.... I was expecting A more knightly like figure. Like the heroes before. Not a little girl." He mocked me.
"I may be young but my power indeed dwarves yours!" I said. He couldnt Intimidate me no matter what he said. In fact It just encouraged my Hope as I took out my sword and prepared to battle with this demon.

"You really are going 'fight' me? A god?" He questioned. I gripped my sword in response and said:
"You bet."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. what a joke." His voice changed again to a more childlike one.
"I'm not scared of you. Soleus, I've gone through plenty of trials and tribulations to get here and now I'm going to kill you for mankind's sake!" I exclaimed.
"Hmph. How annoying. You Humans are Like flies around a bondfire...."
His body contorted a bit to left as he said that.

"How about you prove you're worth to me?" He asked
" I-I don't have to prove anything to you, You monster!" I said in defiance.
Skleus chuckled again like the evil deformity he was.
"Monster is a subjective term, dear lilith. Like the many people of the world, The term monster is diverse."
He explained.
"Like for example. To us demons, You humans are monsters."
"Yeah right. We arent the one going around and killing, raping and eating people!"
"But plenty of humans also do things like that don't they?" He said as chuckled.
"....." I was silent.
"SO WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEENS HUMANS AND DEMONS?" He said in his louder and demonic voice. His voice was so loud in fact, that it had boomed through the tower.

But lilith was undeterred. She gripped her sword and said bravely:
"The difference between Himans is demons is that we have Hope,Faith and Love" she exclaimed.

"We humans will always hope for a better Future, No matter how bleak and despairingly it looks We will always hope...."

"We have Faith In each other... Meaning that no matter what happens we'll always trust in each other..."

"And most importantly we have Love! We Love this planet, We love the animals,the trees, The sky, the ocean, everything that you destroyed.... And most importantly we Love each other!!!!!"

Lilith said all this while holding her beating heart. Her monologue although not heard by anyone besides soleus resonated with every living thing in the world.
It gave her power and she prepared to fight soleus.
"Bah! You humans always resisting Fate!" Hr screeched.

"But if You're so Confident in You're 'Hope faith and Love... Than prove it!"
He yelled.
The demonic dragons body began to shake and transfix. Three bulges appeared from doleus side. They were liquidated and black like an eclipse.

They began to make a sound as they took form,The three bulges popped out of Soleus's body and landed on the tower ground.
They were colored black with red beads. They had wings,claws and sharp shrapnel beaks.
They were gargoyles.

"Cack Cack Cack!"
They were cackling at me as if they are mocking me!
They flew upward into the sky and prepared to strike
There hands turned into stone as one by one they charged at me from middair.
I Jumped up and dodged the first's demons attempt at damaging me.
*Cack Cack*
The second came at me while i still middair, His claws were out and I prepared to counter.
I put my sword into a "T" Position and held it steady in front of me.
The demon foolishly ran into blade look a mole would In to a rat-/trap.
It screamed out in Pain as I had cut in half like the vermin it was.
"Crap!" The third one came from the side of me, completely blindsiding me!
It all seemed to happen in slow motion as he took out his claws and sinked them into my skin,  Causing me to bleed profusely. I fell from middair onto the hard tower ground.
It was only a milisecond but each second felt more painful than the last.

"How dissapointing.... Taken out in only a couple of minutes." Said soleus.
"GRRK" I tried to talk but only coughed up blood in response.
"Don't worry. I'll give you a completely quick and painful death"
He soothed.

His mouth opened with the ferocity of three thousand beasts. A black light came from it, but it was no light of life, it was a light of death.
(Is this the end?) I thought to myself.
(Am I done for.... After coming all this way?) I closed my eyes. I couldn't believe that I had failed.
That I had let everyone down....
My allies....
My friends and even......... My mother

This is the end....

"Lilith, Don't give up!"

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