Chapter 32 Parting Ways

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The demonic beast cried as it was cut in half. I Didn't even look at it when it Died as I turned my attention to cecilia who was badly injured

"Cece!" Iana cried as she went towards cecilia.
"Damn, That looks bad...." Natsumi commented.
She wasnt wrong. A whole section of Cecilia's arm had been melted off. You could almost see the bone and her arm and her veins.
"Ahghhhh." She cried in pain
"Hold on Cecilia...." I said. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my handkerchief.
It was patterned red and white and I placed on the area that had been burned off.

"This should stop the pain, Fortunately Due to the heat melding your veins there won't be any bleeding." I said as I held her arm.
"It still fucking Hurts....!! OUCH!" She screamed.
It looked like any contact with her arm would cause it to her to go into pain.
"Cece...."  Iana said worringly....
"This is what I get .....for being so reckless" Cecilia commented.
"Don't be ridiculous Cecilia.... This isnt yours or anyone's fault..." I comforted
then looked to the horizon backwards.
I shouldve never gotten any of my friends involves in this...... And now one of them is seriously injured...
"Iana. Natsumi."
I looked at them with stern eyes.

"Take Cecilia back to base." I said.
"What?" Natsumi questioned
"Shes injured and Its too dangerous For her to go on like this...."
"B-B-But! If we take her back Y-Youll have to face Soleus alone!" Iana warned.
" I know." I replied.
"That Insane!"  Iana said.
"And besides Lilith we wont-" Natsumi
Was interrupted by cecilia who had been silent up till this point.

"No guys... She's right.... I can't go on like this....." Cecilia said.
".... Cece..."
"I have faith in Lilith and I think that she alone can defeat soleus." Cecilia looked at me with glistening eyes. I reciprocated by saying:
"Thank you Cecilia...."

"Ok then...." Iana reluctantly said as she and Natsumi picked up Cecilia
"Good luck..." Natsumi wished.
They soon lifted cecilia out and went out into the distance....

With that settled I had no worries and could take on soleus....

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