Chapter 22 Cecilia's Wrath!

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Author: Hey guys....
Hero: Rebirth is out. It's a retelling of the first 3 Hero books.
It has updated text without the typo's and is very good!
You should give it a read!


"Guys stop!" Iana pleaded.
But we both just ignored her, it was time to show this whore a lesson.
I got into a Battle-Ready position. I Leveled my mace in front of me like a true knight would do.
Meanwhile Natsumi Faithfully put her hand on the sheath of her sword in a traditional Shinobi position, She gripped her sheath and was ready to strike me at any moment.

We both glared each other down waiting for the other to make a move.
.... tense air hit my face... As I waited for her or my Move.
Only seconds passed when-
Her Sword struck my mace which was in an upright position as I had blocked her pathetic attempt at attack.

I soon struck back at her sword with my powerful mace.
Metal clashing metal, steel vs steel, Iron against iron. Every second our weapons were pushing each other back and forth.

But it was clear that my mace was superior as I had knocked back her peasly sword at will.
"Ah" the bitch cried.
(Now I'll destroy her!) I thought.
I struck my mace against her sword again. Knocking her back.

"Ha!" I lunged at her with my mace.
She flinch as she tried to dodge out of the way but I predicted her movement. "Gotcha bitch!" I said to myself.
She had tried to clash with my mace again but I dodged!

I struck her sword with my mace pushinng her desolate body to the ground.
I did it again.
And again
and again.
and fucking again.
Until finally the sword was out of her hand.
" Cecilia please stop!" Iana pleaded again.
But I just ignored her. I didnt care anymore if I killed this wench.

I lifted up my mace, Ready to end this persons life.

" D-Dont! Im sorry" Pathetically she tried to plead for her miserable life.
"..." I was silent
"Die."I said.
I lifted up my mace one last time. And swang it down.



After a few seconds I realized that someone had parried my mace with their sword.
The sword was silver and yellow and had a shining exterior justice.

It was lilith and her blade.

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