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***SOFIA'S  P.O.V.***

 A week later its time for the boys to go back on tour.  When our plane lands in Austrialia i get really excited. I can harldy wait to see the sights in Austrialia! I'm sitting next to Haz and peyton in the boys private jet. Which doesn't seems to private anymore. As i look out of the window i see hundereds of fans on the walk way screaming their hearts out just to see us walk by them. I think the boys have the mmost dedicated fans i have ever heard of, let alone seen.  Once our plane finally lands and the pilot says its ok for us to get off, we squeze our way through fans, body guards, and poliece officers and get into a van that takes us to a hotel. "Can we please get some food?" Niall shouts over everyone in the van. Leave it to Nialler to want food. "Niall, you just ate on the plane." Said Liam. "But i'm still hungry" Niall whined. "Alright fine." I gave in. I hate seeing people upset, espically cute little Nialler. The driver recomended this resturant we have never heard of but we decided we would just eat there because we didn't know where else to go. When we got to the resturant it was suprisingly very fancy with lace table cloths and chandeliers. There were many big pantings throughout the resturant and the was also a bar in the far lest corner. The resturant wasn't too big, but not too small either. We sat at a table for 8. The boys, me, Peyton, and Paul. When the waiter came and took our order i just ordered water . I was going to share whatever Haz was wanted because i already ate on the plane and wasn't that hungry. When the food came i hadn't realized that HAz had ordered snails. When Haz asked me to try one and i said no the whole table started to chant my name to try to get  me to eat it. Ew it looked discusting. I really didn't want to eat it. BUt i didn't want to cause a sence. Well i guess boys were always loud, but my boys, oh you had no idea. I knew that people were already starting to stare and once people reconized who the boys were things would get ugly, fast. I quickly took the steamed snail out of it shell and popped it in my mouth. I watched the disbeliving faces all around me. I knew no one thought i would eat it. Everyone knew that i was very picky about what i eat. All eyes were on me. I quickly swallowed and said "It wasn't that bad, now you guys try it." I said pusing the plate towards the rest of the guys. I mean it really wasn't that bad. I didn't like the texture, it was too slimy, but the flavor was good. "Oh me first!" Niall said playfull, popping a sanil out of its shell and into his mouth. "Hmm... Its good!" He said reaching for another one. I swear that boy will eat anything.

 After we left the resturant we decided that it would be best if we all just went to the hotel and unpacked for the night.

When Haz and i finally reached our room on the very top floor the view was amazing! I threw my bags down and ran right out onto the mini deck out side of out room. I was staring out into the night when arms come and secrure themselves around my waist. I look up to see Haz's chin resting on my shoulder. I'm about to kiss him when my stomach makes a loud gurgle followed by a sharp pain. I quickly run into the bathroom and throw up all of the things i ate today. Well i guess snails aren't my thing. Haz comes in with a worried expressin on his face "Sof, are you okay?" "Yeah, i think i was just the snails.." I say in a hoarse tone. Haz goes and gets me my tooth brush. I have the sweetest boyfrind ever, ithink smiling to myself. After i'm all washed up and smelling better, i lie down with Haz and fall asleep. Well, at least try to fall asleep i keep having to get up every hour to throw up. I'm starting to worry, what if it isn't just the snail thats making me throw up? I don't know what else i could have ate? What if its not someting that i ate? I'll see if i am still throwing up in the morning...

I wake up to a stream of sunlight shining down on my face. Haz is still sleeping. I am about to get up and make coffee when my stomac lurches and i run to the bathroom. Not again. I don't think that one little snail could cause me to be this sick. I'm starting to get worried. What else could it be? I decide to go down to Zayn's room to talk. He always knows the right things to say. I knock once on his door before going in. I find him sitting alone on the couch. "Where's Pey?" I ask sitting down next to him. "Still sleeping." He answers. "Oh." I say. "So wassup?" He says looking me up and down. "Well, err, I keep throwing up and i don't know why. I thought it was because of the snail, but now i'm not so sure..." My voice trails off. "Hmmm..." Says Zayn. I can tell hes thinking. "How often have you been getting sick?" He asks. "Maybe 5 times last night and once this morning?" I say. I'm not really sure, its not like i counted. It was almost every hour. " I watch his eyes get wide. Oh god this can't be good. "Sof... Were you um... Safe with Haz?" He asks eyeing me. What? Safe with Haz? What is he taking about? Then it clicks. Is he saying that i might be freaking pregnant? God, what if i am? All the pieces fall together. It seems like more and more of a possibility that i am. What hadn't i thought of this before? "Yeah... I thought..." Is all i can say before the tears start rolling down my face. "Hey its okay, don't cry. We don't know if its true." Zayn says pulling me into a hug. But the more i think about it the more i know that it very well, is probably true...

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