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Last chapter guys! thank you so much for reading my fanfic! Please vote and bcome a fan. Comment if you think i should do another fanfic! and tell me what it should be about! Love y'all! i'll probably do an epilogue! xx

***SOFIA'S P.O.V.***

I wake up to the sound of screaming boys and the telly. I go out to see Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry all standing around the telly screaming their heads off. Must be some sports game. I go over to the fridge and no one notices me. Wow. I open up the fridge and find that there is nothing in it except for milk and a couple of beers. "NIALL! STOP EATING ALL OF THE FOOD!" I scream. I guess it was a comerical break because it was dead silent when i screamed. All of the boys start rolling on the floor . laughing, even Haz. "Sorry." Ni comes over and gives me a hug, followed by Liam who picks me up and gives me a kiss. He brings me over to the sofa and i sit on his lap. "What are we doing today?" I ask. "I'm going out with peyton." Says Zayn blushing a tad. "Me and haz are going to a club!" Louis chimes in. "I'm going to meet up with Elizabeth" Says Ni. "Wow, you guys are buzy people." I say looking at all of them. "Guess its just you and me, babe." Liam says.

Once everyone is gone, Liam and i just watch telly for a lil. "What should we do today babe?" I ask. "What ever you wanna do, babe." He replys. "Hmmm..." I say looking him in the eye. "Hmm..." He says back. "HMMMMM..." I say. Then he turns my head towards his and his lips come crashing into mine. HIs lips are even better than Harry's. We sit on the couch in a lip lock for about 20 minuets before i pull away to breathe. "Look, i know this is soon and that we have been only dating for 5 months but i was wondering once our tour ends, if you wanted to move in with me." He says looking into my eyes. "Liam, i would love too." I said slinging my arms around the back of his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. I pack up all of my things leave Niall a note, and then head to Liam's hotel room. Since we are going to be living together off tour, i might as well live with him while we're on tour too. Luckily, Liam actually has food so i help myself to a bowl of cereal and apple juice. "Oh hey!" He says walking in from his bedroom with just boxers on. "I didn't think you were coming until 1?" "Oh uh, yeah sorry i got hungry.." I say. "Hahah its fine if i were living with Niall i would be too." He says. "Alright well im going to take a shower. If u need anything you know where to find me." He says giving me a quick kiss. "Ok." I say as he dissapears into the bathroom. I finish my bowl of cereal and then head into his room, or our room now. I start to put my stuff into a drawr when i notice that there are little pieces of crumpled paper at the backs of the drawrs. I take one and open it up. I don't mean to snoop but i just can't help myself. The paper says: Dear Sof, I'm sorry i don't... Then its blank. I find about 5 more that are all appoligies to me from Liam. Aww, he is soo cute, he cares about me like no one else ever has (exccept for my grandpa). If i didn't have him i would probably be a foster child by now. I think it really hits me that Liam is my everything. Without him i wouldn't know what to do with my life or myself.

I finish unpacking and Liam still isn't out of the shower, god i thought i took long showers. I decide to look through his stuff too. He doesn't have many intresting things just regular guy stuff. I hear the water stop and run over to the bed and go on twitter. A minute later he comes in with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Waiting for me?" He smirks. "Nah, just finished unpacking." I smile. "Mhmmm." He says getting his clothes on. Once hes dressed he comes over and sits down next to me. I scoot over towards him, and he pulls me in. I rest my head on his shoulder. "Can i tell you something.?" He asks. "Of course." I say looking into his rich brown eyes. "From the day i laid eyes on you in kindergarten, i knew you were the one. I knew it would be my destiny to marry you, and have us grow old together. If i didn't have you i wouldn't know what to do with myself. I truly do love you." His eyes don't leave mine for a second.  "I love you, i always have and i always will." I wisper into his ear.

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