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***Author's note!*** Yall are amazayn! Over 1,000 reads! if u like my fanfic plz become a fan and tell your friends! Don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think of my fanfic good or bad! Hope you like this new chapter! xx

***SOFIA'S P.O.V.***

When i woke up my face felt stiff. I licked my lips and found them to tase incredabilly salty. Then i remembered last night. I was single now. I realized that there were tear stains on my cheeks. I must have cried myself to sleep last night. I got up and changed into booty shorts and a tank top. I opened the door to find Niall and Liam sitting on the couch watching telly. "Morning sunshine!" Niall sang. "Morning." I replied. "Hey." Liam said. "Hey." I responded rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?" I ask no one in peticuallar. "12." They both respond in unison. Wow, i must have been tried. I usually don't sleep that late. I open the fridge to find it completley empty except for some water bottles, a carton of milk, and some beer. "Ni!" I whine. "You ate all the food!" I go over and sit on the couch. "Ehh.. sorry." He mumbles. "We can go shopping if u like?" He asks. "Yes. I'm starving!" I practically shout. I go and get changed within minuets. "Ready to go?" I ask. "Yup! I'm always up for food!" He says. "You coming Liam?" Ni asks. "Nahh, i gotta go over to Zayn's." He replies. "Okay. See you when we get back!" NI says linking his arm with mine. We leave.

When we get to the grocery store Ni immedatily finds atleast 5 things that he wants." Ni, get what you want but your limit is 15." I say. "Woah! 15? Liam only usually lets me get 5!" He says bouncing up and down. I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep from laughing. "Where to first?" I ask getting a cart. "Candyy!" He says skipping to the candy asile. He grabs 3 backs of sourpatch kids, some smarties, a chocolate bar, and some nerds. "Okay Ni lets get some real food now." i say. He runs over and grabs 2 bags of chips, pancake mix, a couple of easy macs, and some carrots for Lou. He is so sweet thinging of others. I get a box of cereal and some fruit, then we go to pay. A couple of fans ask us for pictures and give us their twitter accounts so we can follow them. Once we have paid we go get lunch and then make our way back to the hotel.

Ni and i are unpacking groceries when there is a knock on the door, then Liam comes in. " Whadd ya get?" He asks peeking inside the bags. "Oh you know just some junk." I said putting away my cereal. "Need some help?" He asks picking up a bag and emptying fruit into a bowl. "Sure." I say looking him in the eyes. His eyes are just so beautiful. He looks back into mine and i swear we spend just ten minuets staring at eachother. When i finally look away Liam drops the bag of fruit and it spills all over the counter. We reach for the same piece of fruit and our fingers touch. I feel and electric wave go through me. I think he feels it too because we both flinch and then start picking up all of the fruit.

Once were done putting the groceries away we decide to just watch some sports on the telly. I'm not really into sports so i just went on to twitter and facebook to pass time. Ni said that he had to go talk to Paul about something or whatever and that he would be back soon. Now it was just me and Liam sitting all alone in Ni's hotel room. "How have you been?" I ask breaking the awarkard silence. "Okay. How about you?" He asks looking me in the eyes. "Okay." I say. "Look, Sofia,  I am soo sorry for all the pain i have caused you. I never meant to hurt you. Losing you was the worst mistake i have ever made. I know you probably won't take me back but i still want to be the best friends like we just to be. If u never want to talk to me again i understand..." His voice broke. He cares, he cares so much. "Just kiss me." Was all i could say. He leaned in closing the gap between us. HIs lips crashed into mine despreate for attention. We kissed for about five minutes before i stoped for air. "Maybe we could just start over?" I asked, a smile making its  way to mine and his face. "Hi, Im Liam Payne, nice to meet you." He put out his hand for me to shake it. "Hi, Im Sofia Birch, nice to meet you too." With that i took his hand and shook it. "Well Sofia Birch, maybe i could take you out toinght for dinner and we could get to know eachother a little bit?" He asked smiling. "That would be lovely." I said looking into his eyes. "It's a date." He said kissing our still linked hands. "Its a date." I say looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

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