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***SOFIA'S P.O.V.***

I wake up to find Haz sitting in a chair staring at me. 'Good morning beautiful." He says smiling. I'm about to say 'good morning' when all the memories of last night come flooding back. He comes over and gives me a giant bear hug that lasts for about 5 minuets before he pulls away. I breathe in his sent. I probably will never be this close to him again. He gives me a pasionate kiss. 'Haz.. " I say my voice traling off. "I can't stand to see you hurt..." A tear falls down my cheek. "Liam is my first love and i don't think i will ever stop loving him.  I love you, but i can't stand to see you hurting like his. Thats why i have to let you go..." A tear rolls down his face and off onto the floor.  I've never seen him cry before. He goves over to the sofa sits down and puts his head in his hands. I can see his shoulders shaking. 'I'm so sorry." It's barely a wisper. I go to pack up my things. I don't have much so it doesn't take long. When i leave, Haz is already gone.

I think about going to Zayn's room, but he has Peyton and that would be too crouded. I can't go to Lou's room because hes Haz's best mate. I'm not ready to see Liam yet, so the only place left to go is Niall's. I knock one the door once before going in. When i walk in i see Niall and Liam sitting down eating breakfast. God, why am i so stupid? Of course Liam would be here, he is Niall's best mate. "SOF!" Niall screams picking me up into a giant bear hug and twirling me around. Liam pretends to be on his phone "Can i crash here?" I say hoping he doesn't notice the tear stains on my face and probably smeared makeup, i didn't even care to look in the mirror before i left Haz's. Apperntally he notices because i see him start to frown. "Sof?" He asks a little concerned."Ni.. I can't-..." My voice cracks. "Awh sof come here." He says picking me up into a hug. I guess Liam was paying attention because he looks up from his phone and stares into my eyes. I get lost and memorized by those brown orbs. Niall pickes me up and carries me into his room. My eyes never leave Liam's and his never leave mine, until we can't see eachother anymore. Niall puts me down on his bed and tells me to holler if i need anything.  I lie down in Niall's bed and cry my eyes out for what seems like hours. Then i finally fall asleep.

***HARRY'S P.O.V.***

I can't say i didn't see it coming. Just the way she looks at him i knew our relationship wouldn't last long. I mean i guess i probably shouldn't have even dated Sof in the first place, but she came to me, can you blame me? After lunch i knew things were goning to go down hill, fast. I just couldn't take it anymore, that's why i told her she had to choose. I knew she would say no, but i guess my hope got the best of me. When she actually said that we were done out loud, i just broke down. I really didn't want to cry infont of her, so when she went to get her things i left and went to Lou's. When i got to Lou's i just sat on the sofa and cried on Lou's shoulder for what seemed like forever. I have never cried this much in my life. I hardly ever cry infront of people. Sofia was different from any other girl i had ever met. The more i think about her the more i don't want to loose her. I'm starting to think that she was my actual first love...

***LIAM'S P.O.V.***

I went over to Ni's early that morning. I could barley sleep last night. All i could think about was Sofia. Sofia Birch, my first and only love. Dating my best mate. I saw the way she looked at me at lunch yesterday, and that gave me hope. I decided to suprise Ni and make him pancakes. When i got to his room i picked the lock and started cooking. The smell of cooking pancakes woke Ni up right away and i swear he about ran into the kitchen. "Liam!" He screamed giving me a giant hug. "I love you soo much! This is all for me?" He asks eyeing the big stacks of pancakes. "A couple for me and you can have the rest." I say laughing. He shoves a pancake in his mouth and opens the fridge to get something to drink. I finish the last of the batter and we sit down to eat. We are about half way through our meal when there is a knock on the door and Sofia comes in. I can tell something is wrong but i just pretend to be on my phone. I see she has all of her things and there are tear stains on her eyes. I don't think she notices me at fist, but when she does its pretty obious. I catch her staring at me and i feel like my eyes are glued on to hers. I can't look away. We stare at eachother until Niall brings her into his room. I guess she falls asleep because i waited for her to come out foor 3 hours, and she didn't. I would have waited all day for her to come out of that room if i could have. But i had to meet with Simon and the boys. 

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