2-Meet & Greet

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Walking up to the address Mark had sent me was terrifying. I was wearing high-waisted overall shorts with a white graphic tee and some white high-top converse, not by my own choice. Faith had elected to chose my outfit for me like I was a child when in fact I was older than her. I had asked her to help with my makeup, and she just migrated to choosing my entire look.

I adjusted my glasses and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. I heard a few friendly barks that I assumed came from Chica, Mark's adorable golden retriever.

Within a minute, the door opened to reveal Ethan. It was comforting to see another omega first before walking into a house practically full of alphas. "You must be Mercy!" Ethan smiled big, pulling me in for an unexpected but appreciated hug. "It's so nice to meet you! Jack goes on and on and on about your channel." Ethan was a sweetheart even off camera, and I hoped we could become good friends.

"Y-yeah, that's me. It's nice to meet you too Ethan." I blushed slightly, smiling. I was meeting my idols today but I had to act like it was no big deal for the camera.

"Come in, come in! Jack's dying to meet you! I mean, everyone is, but Jack especially!" His energy seemed endless, I couldn't help wondering what he meant by "especially Jack". Ethan led me back to a huge recording room that looked more like a studio apartment inside the house. The walls were white, but there were multiple pictures adorning one wall. There was a kitchen in one corner with a bathroom beside it and on the other end of the room there was a den with 2 large white couches, a black coffee table, and a huge flat-screen tv. On the couches sat 3 alphas, all trying to subtly out-do each other with how dominant they appeared.

"Guys, Mercy is here!" Ethan called to them. All three alphas looked up and I immediately felt myself try to shrink. Their attention was too intimidating all at once. Ethan, sensing another Omega in distress, patted my back as if to say it would be okay. He scampered over to Tyler and pecked his lips. Mark was the first to approach me, a big goofy grin on his face.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mercy." He shook my hand and I blushed slightly from embarrassment.

"Nice to meet you too, Mark." I half-smiled, Jack came up to me next and shook my hand, followed by Tyler who had Ethan clutching to his side.

Mark cleared his throat once we were all acquainted. "So the livestream is gonna start in about an hour. We've already got everything set up and have a lunch delivery set up for noon and a dinner delivery set up for 6pm."

"Oh, um. I have severe-"

"Food allergies?" Ethan chimed in almost happily.

"Uh, yeah. I'm dealthy allergic to a lot of raw fruits and vegetables."

A/N: Yes, that allergy is a real thing. It's called Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS), you can develop in in your teenage years. I have had it for 3 years.

"Damn." Jack's eyes bugged out, Tyler was flabbergasted, and Mark was just confused. Ethan seemed to be the only one that understood.

I blushed bright red and tried to make myself as small as possible. "I-it's a rare syndrome that some omegas develop when they reach maturity.." I was so embarrassed. "B-but don't worry, I b-brought myself my own f-food so you don't have to deal with it." I was so nervous that I began stuttering, pulling my backpack off and placing it on the ground behind a couch.

Jack stepped up to me and placed a firm but gentle hand on my arm. "Don't worry about anything, little one, we'll take care of you." I looked up at him, even though he was average height for an alpha, he towered over my tiny frame. The floor beneath my feet seemed to sway back and forth as I lightly bit my lower lip. His smile was intoxicating, I couldn't help but smile up at him. His alpha aura was so overwhelming in the enclosed room filled with 3 alpha males.

An hour later I was already much more comfortable with all of the guys and Ethan and I were already becoming close friends. We had just finished going over the schedule and games when Amy, Mark's omega, and Kathryn, the guys' Beta friend and editor, showed up. It was about five minutes before the livestream was to start and they had set up all of the cameras and the techy stuff revolving around the livestream.

Mark had us all sitting on the two white couches for the start of the livestream. Ethan, Tyler, and Jack were sat on the couch across from me and Mark.

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to the March Charity Livestream!" Mark bellowed toward the main camera. "This month we are joined by JackSepticEye," He gestured to Jack and Jack waved and smiled at the camera, "THE CrankGamePlays" He gestured dramatically at Ethan and Ethan made finger-guns at the camera, "Tyler", He gestured overly-nonchalantly and Tyler just smirked, "and for the first time we are joined by MercyRulesGames!" I smiled and waved to the camera, it was odd doing a livestream when I knew that millions and millions of people would be watching it. My viewership had just surpassed a few hundred thousand on each video, and this was going to give me massive exposure.

"This livestream is going to be benefitting a nonprofit very dear to my heart; The Lost Omega Foundation." I spoke up clearly, a smile spread quickly across my face. "As my subscribers know, the Lost Omega Foundation helped me when my first alpha broke our bond. If you don't know, when an alpha breaks a bond with his or her omega, the omega goes into a very depressed state where they experience constant and excruciating pain from the fading mate mark. When my alpha broke our bond, I needed constant care for over a month before I was able to take care of myself. My subscribers will know this as the period where I suddenly did not upload for almost 2 months without explanation. The Lost Omega Foundation provides full-time care, pain-free options to break bonds with abusive alphas, and counseling after treatment."

After my spiel, Ethan spoke up. "Please consider giving to this amazing cause. If you have ever watched one of Mercy's videos, know that she would not be here without this amazing foundation. But since the foundation is committed to not charging the Omegas a dime for care, they need donations to ensure that they can help every omega that comes through their doors. I have already pledged $1,000 of my own money to the foundation, but in order to reach our goal of $100,000 in 12 hours, we need everyone to make a small contribution."

Tyler took over from there. "Every dollar counts. I have pledged $1,000 of my own money as well."

Jack spoke up. "Mark and I have both given $10,000 to the foundation and we also made a bet. If we go over the $100,000 before the 12 hour mark, not only will we both give an additional $5,000 but we will also be getting tattoos of each others' usernames tomorrow on an unknown part of our bodies. So give money if you want to see us in pain!" Jack laughed at the end of his speech. I had been really nervous to talk about my past, but all of the guys had been very supportive of me. I was so excited for the games and challenges to start.

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