18 - Jack's Omega

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"Hi everybody!" Jack smiled, waving to his camera as the livestream began. He always seemed so jubilant when he was interacting with his community. I worried silently that I might come between them, I couldn't make Jack upset with his community again...

"I want to start off this stream with an apology for my sporadic behavior and hiatus from Twitter and Tumblr. Something came up that I couldn't have planned for.." Jack moved into a more somber tone, glancing at me.

"I'd like to introduce someone to you all, but I need you all to make a promise first. This person is a very important part of my life now, and any judgement on them will not be tolerated." He paused, taking a breath. "I spoke with my Mods earlier and at this point the chat will be set to Subscribers only mode." He waited for the delay to catch up and see the chat slowing down. "Any negativity will be taken down my my moderators and anything excessive will result in you being banned from my Twitch channel. With that said," He gestured for me to come closer, but not yet in front of the camera. "I'd like you all to meet my mate," He gently tugged me next to him so that I was in frame. "Mercy Carver."

I waved nervously, fighting every instinct I had not to hide behind my Alpha. For the first time I think ever, Jack's stream chat halted for nearly a minute.

I held my breath, after what felt like an eternity the chat started to move again, more rapidly than before. I couldn't keep my eyes from scanning it, but luckily it wasn't harsh like the last time.

Jack pulled me into his lap and gently kissed my mating mark that was easily seen by the camera.I turned to face him and he was smiling, proudly but also with a hint of relief. I knew how stressful this was going to be on him. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, placing a quick kiss to his mate mark, but also hiding my face. I was still so nervous and my stomach was tied up in knots.

"I figured you all would have questions for Mercy and I. She's a little nervous right now," He rubbed circles on my side with his thumb to comfort me, out of sight of the camera. "So I'll probably do most of the talking."

He scanned through the chat for a moment, silently, his face showing only glee. I couldn't tell if it was real or a mask for the stream. Before he could begin, bits with messages attached started coming through.

"@markiplierschica gave 500 bits and asked, How long have you two been mated? We have been mated since Yesterday. We decided it was best for our careers to be transparent about this with you all."

I nodded in agreement.

"@jackiboimangirl gave 1000 bits and asked, Is Mercy going to take Jack's last name? Well, I'd have to ask Mercy that." Jack smiled hopefully down at me.

"Um, to be honest I hadn't really thought about it yet." My cheeks burned with embarrassment from being put on the spot. "But I will definitely be taking Sean's last name after our marriage ceremony. We're not sure when that will be yet."

Sean's mood skyrocketed, a huge goofy smile plastered across his cheeks.

We answered what must have been nearly a hundred questions by the end of the stream, which was just over 2 hours long. Sean held me close the entire time, comforting me when more uncomfortable or personal questions came up. Anything that was too personal was just not read by Sean, he scanned each message before reading it out loud. The moderators kept the chat mostly positive, but we had to remember that the subs were more likely to be nicer than the larger chat.

Immediately after the stream, Jack texted Mark and Tyler and Ethan, telling them to stay off of social media and to come over in an hour, texting them my address. We didn't want them to find out from anyone but us. I did the same with Faith, and I called my parents as Sean called his.


"Hi Mom, do you have a minute?"

"Of course honey, let me just put this away."

"Can you get Dad too? I need to tell you both something important."

"Oh, okay. Mercy, you're not pregnant are you?" My mom whisper-shouted through the phone.

"No! No, I'm not pregnant." I whisper-shouted back, praying Jack didn't hear me. Well, I certainly hoped I wasn't pregnant.

"Hey kiddo, your mom has you on speaker phone, what's going on?" My dad's voice came through the speaker next.

"Mom, Dad, I mated with my new Alpha. His name is Sean McLoughlin and he's the sweetest Alpha I've ever met," I paused. "Other than you of course, Dad."

There was a long pause from my parents.

"When did this happen?" My mom shouted.

"How long did you court him?" My dad just sounded disappointed.

"Why didn't we hear about him before?" My mother again, worried but angry as well.

"I hope this isn't like what happened with William." I could hear the anger rising in my dad's voice.

"It's not, Daddy. I was actually wondering if I could bring him by this weekend for lunch so that you could meet him?"

I spoke with my parents for about an hour, calming their nerves and explaining as much as I could to them. Sean got off the phone with his own parents just a few minutes before I did. His conversation seemed to go a little smoother than my own.

He looked at the time. "Mark and everyone should be over any minute now."

"Faith as well." I added.

Before we could say another word, the doorbell rang. They were here. We had to explain to our friends all over again that we were now mated.

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