4-One Night at Jack's

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The room was neat and tidy, with a few of his nicknacks on the shelves and desk, including his Septic Sam plushie. A thought suddenly hit me. "Shoot, Amy was going to loan me clothes..." I looked down at my outfit, it would not be comfortable at all to sleep in. Jeans were not good to sleep in, and I had a feeling that the same logic carried to overalls. 

Seeing my unsure expression, Jack spoke up comfortingly with a solution. "You can borrow one of my shirts and some pajama pants if you want." He dug into a dresser drawer and pulled out a shirt that would fit him but looked like it would be a dress on me, and some sweatpants. 

"Thanks." I thanked him before walking to the adjoining bathroom to change. First I slipped on the t-shirt and swiftly realized how small I looked in Jack's clothes. The shirt hung down to about halfway down my thighs, but when I tried to put on the sweatpants, no matter how small I tried to make the waist, they kept slipping off. I blushed, knowing I'd just have to go back out there with no pants. I quickly checked to ensure my bottom was covered by the oversized t-shirt before anxiously opening up the door. Just as the door swung open, Jack was turned away from me, slipping on a white tank top with a pair of plaid blue pajama pants one. 

He turned around to see me, and his eyes immediately fell to my bare legs before snapping back up to my eyes. "Um... the pants didn't fit, they kept slipping off." I whispered, embarrassed, handing him back the pants and playing with the hem of the shirt, not able to look him in the eyes.

"That's alright, are you comfortable, little one?"


"Alright then, let's get some sleep." He bent down so that I would look at him and he smiled slightly. We walked over to the king size bed and climbed in on either side of the bed, slipping underneath the comforter. Alphas were natural heaters, constantly warm even in the snow with only a windbreaker on. I on the other hand was not. I'm a human icicle and I knew I would freeze tonight with only a comforter, but I needed to sleep so that I could get to work tomorrow on the videos and highlights from today's live stream at home.

"Good night Mercy." Jack sighed, laying down with his head on a pillow, facing away from me. I layed down and followed suit. 

"Good night, Jack."

Somewhere around 3 in the morning I woke up, shaking and shivering. It was so cold that I couldn't sleep. I whimpered slightly, curling up into a ball and continued to shiver. 

"Mercy?" Jack's deep, scratchy tired voice sounded quietly through the room. "Mercy, you're shaking like a leaf!" He exclaimed, suddenly much more awake. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He began quickly checking to make sure I was alright. 

"I-I'm okay... I'm just really cold..." I blushed, but I doubted he would be able to see because of the darkness of the room.

"Well you should have just said something." Jack smirked and pulled me toward him. My head ended up on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and entwined our legs. It was comforting, not awkward or having an sexual feeling at all. He was a natural caretaker, as many alphas were. Their instincts told them to protect omegas and care for them. He laid his chin on the top of my head and gave me a quick squeeze. "Get some sleep, lovely."

I fell asleep almost immediately as I felt the heat radiating off of his body. I felt safe. I felt cared for. Something I hadn't felt from an Alpha since William left me. I had slept alone every night since that terrible night when he walked out on me, many of these nights have been wrought with pain and hurt, but tonight was different. Jack was different. I couldn't help but start to develop some feelings for him and a part of me hoped he felt something for me as well but I quickly dismissed it. Alphas don't want Lost omegas, they want their own to claim for the first time. With that thought, I fell into a deep sleep.

Jack's POV

When Mercy woke up shaking, I feared she was hurt or had had a nightmare. I was definitely glad it was something I could easily fix to make her more comfortable. She was absolutely adorable in my t-shirt. When she first walked out of my bathroom with only my shirt on, I admittedly got a little excited, but I quickly dismissed those thoughts to spare Mercy. I didn't even know if she thought I was even attractive. 

Once she had fallen asleep, I started feeling that familiar and unwelcome itch under my skin. Shit. My rut was coming, and in the middle of the night. It had probably been sped up by being around 3 omegas all day today and now lying beside an unclaimed, unmated omega. The itch began to heighten and I quickly turned to my bedside drawer, pulling out my suppressants and taking one dry. I couldn't do this with Mercy right here obviously and I would feel bad to leave her in my bed alone in case she got cold again.

The itch started to subside and I eventually was comfortable enough to fall asleep, an adorable, gorgeous omega wrapped in my arms.

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