9 - The Boss

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"Hello, everyone. Now, I won't be doing my intro and outro for this video and it will not be monetized for reasons that will become clear in a minute." Jack's voice spoke through my laptop speakers as Faith and I sat on my bed and watched the vlog Jack had just uploaded about the happenings of this morning.

"Many of you joined me and MercyRulesGames for a Happy Wheels stream this morning, and as I have seen on Twitter," He counted on his fingers. "Tumblr, Instagram, and even some of my recent YouTube videos many of you that did not attend even know what occurred. Now, before any of this gets out of control, I want to speak to all of you about what was going on in the chat during the stream."

Jack sighed regretfully and rubbed the back of his neck. "Some people that call themselves fans of mine decided it would be okay to call MercyRulesGames, a beautiful and sweet omega, a 'whore', a 'slut', and my least favorite a 'broken omega'".

He paused, taking a deep breath. I could tell he wanted to yell, but he kept his composure. "I don't know who started it, and I don't care. I dare any of you to do it again, because you will be reprimanded by whichever social media site you choose for abusive behavior. Mercy and I have decided to court each other, and I am very much infatuated with her. Please be respectful of us and especially her. She is an omega, just like many of you, and she opened up yesterday about her battles with an Abusive Alpha in the past. In order for us to have a semi-normal courting, I ask for you all to remain either neutral or positive in your comments and tweets."

I turned off the video from there, calling Jack immediately. Faith understood and left my room, while I stood from my bed to sit at my desk. After a few rings, Jack picked up.

"Hey beautiful." His voice was irresistible, I almost couldn't bare to not be beside him.

"Hi Alpha. I just watched your vlog.."

He caught me off. "Oh, I'm sorry, little one, was it alright?"

"Yes, Alpha. I'm actually just about to start editing my highlights video. I'm a little worried about the feedback, but not as worried after seeing your vlog."

"Oh, thank God. Don't forget to put in the part where I became your housewife." Jack snickered, I could almost hear him winking.

"Of course," I teased back. "that was my favorite part of that game."

"Alright, I'll let you get to your editing, I'm gonna record another video of my fan-made game to lighten the mood on my channel."

"Okay. Bye, Alpha."

"Goodbye, little one." With that I hung up the phone and started to edit the video.

About an hour later I had cut the video down to 1 hour and 30 minutes, deciding to split the footage into two 45-minute videos that I could upload tonight and tomorrow night along with my regular video tomorrow.

As I rubbed my eyes, becoming sleepy, Faith knocked on my door. "Mercy? I made dinner!"

"Be right there!" I called back to her, finalizing the editing and uploading it to my YouTube channel. I shut off my computer and headed down the hall to the dining room to see that faith had made chicken caesar salads for dinner, my favorite dish.

"Any particular reason you made my favorite dish for dinner?" I laughed, sitting down at the table.

"Girl, you just started courting one of the most popular and handsome YouTubers on the planet. This is a special occasion!"

(A/N: Courting is basically a more intense version of dating, more similar to courting in centuries past with modern dating aspects)

"Whatever you say, little sis." I teased her. We had always been close, ever since we were babies. Closer than a lot of siblings, we were each other's best friends. Of course, we had always had other friends and separate groups, but we were always each other's number one. She was a cheerleader, I was on the soccer team, she did Drama club, I was in band. We both played lacrosse and were in Omega Leaders of America, the sister organization to Alpha Leaders of America. I wasn't as popular as she was, but I was still known and mostly liked in school.

I met William in band and Faith met her courting-alpha Christian in Cheerleading when he was on the Football team. They had been courting for 2 years now. Faith took my pain to heart, slowing down her own courting to save her from the same pain I went through. Christian was a lovely boy, my age, currently studying International Business at UCLA. He told me about a month ago that he wanted to mate with Faith within the next couple of months.

We ate and made small talk and Faith briefly brought up Christian's recent achievements at UCLA and that she had a date with him tomorrow night and that he might come back to our house after. He currently lived in a dorm on campus per his parent's request so that he would be more inclined to study, but when they mate, he'll likely move in with us at least for a while before they found a place of their own.

"I'll be recording all day tomorrow so I don't have to worry about recording next week." I subtly hinted that my heat would be coming up soon and Faith nodded. "Do you want me to stay with Christian next week? His roommate is going out of town for Baseball anyway."

"Yeah, that will probably be best." We finished our meal with more small talk about recent videos before I decided to call it a night after washing our dishes. It had been a long, stressful two days, and I needed some real rest in my own bed.

I sent Jack a text to tell him goodnight before changing into some comfortable pajamas and slipped under my blush comforter, soon falling asleep.

(A/N: Double Update! Please continue to comment any feedback, I love any and all votes and feedback!)

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