12 - Sleeping Over

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a week, I've been going through a lot of shit with friends. Comments always keep me motivated to write for you guys and I love getting feedback 💙

I woke up and it was still as black as pitch outside. I rubbed my eyes and peered to the alarm clock on Mercy's nightstand, 3:04am. Then I heard it, the sound that had woken me up. Mercy was whimpering loudly and she was sweating, flyaways stuck to her forehead. I panicked for a moment before remembering that Omegas go through heat faster when they are around an Alpha in rut, and though I had been suppressing mine with my medication, the hormonal scent was still being given off. I mentally slapped myself for forgetting.

Million questions flooded my mind. What was I going to do? Would Mercy really want to be intimate this early? Is it really consent when her body is pumping hormones throughout her body willing her to breed? Would she even want me with her?

All I knew was that I needed to wake her up. I felt bad to wake up the poor omega, but Heat was even more painful than Rut when not addressed, and there was no reliable suppressant for it. Every time doctors would develop a suppressant, the next month Omega's bodies would violently reject the medication, as if their body knew they were being kept from breeding, their only purpose in our ancestral roots. I gently shook her, leaning down to whisper in her ear. When I did, her intoxicating scent hit me like a brick wall. My pupils dilated fully, the intense, instinctual drive to breed was almost insurmountable.

I called her name a little louder and she finally fluttered her eyes open. She looked so beautiful. So innocent. A low growl came from the pit of my stomach, I couldn't help it. She whimpered and and I noticed her small hands that clung to my shirt tighten their grip.

"Alpha.." She cried pitifully. She voice strained with the pain she was surely feeling by now. "Want you.." Her voice was so desperate, if her scent hadn't already clouded my mind I would have cried for her suffering.

"Tell me what you want, little one." I shushed her, rubbing her back gently, attempting to keep my own desire under control.

"Touch me, Alpha.."

I didn't need to be told twice. My instincts over took me and I began tearing off my clothes. I took a deep breath. No, I thought. Keep her safe. Keep her comfortable.

Once I was down to my boxers, I began carefully removing her tank top and shorts, leaving us in just our underwear.

"Beautiful, I didn't bring condoms." I whispered, my forehead pressed against hers. "I'll do my best to help you, though." With that, I captured her lips with mine. They were soft and forgiving, and she tasted just as she smelled, fresh strawberries and vanilla. Feeling her lips move against mine was comparable to heaven. I was a drowning man finally gasping air at the surface. I was a starving man tasting food for the first time in weeks. I was happy.

I moved my hand slowly down her torso, keeping our lips connected in an enchanting dance.  I ran my fingers down to the hem of her panties before pulling away from our kiss and resting my forehead against hers. "Are you sure you want this?"

"Please, Alpha." Tears were forming in her eyes as she whimpered and wiggled. I drew my hand down before the hem of her panties and encircled her clit with my finger, lubricating my fingers with her sweet smelling slick. Once I felt they were lubricated enough, I slowly pushed one finger into her entrance. I almost moaned at the feeling of her walls around my finger, imagining for a moment what it would feel like on my dick.

Starting to pump my finger in and out of her tight entrance, I also moved my thumb along her clit, trying to help her reach her climax as quickly as possible. She would be free from the burden of Heat for 12 hours once it was completed, then the pain and need and slick would encroach again.

I couldn't tell whether the scent of her slick or the soft, erotic moans were more intoxicating. My senses were completely overrun by Mercy, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I moved my lips to her neck and bit down on her courting mark, heightening her pleasure and strengthening our bond. I felt a rush through my veins, everything in my being was begging me to mate her and breed her.

It took everything I had in me to not listen to my own body, instead focusing on Mercy. She was my Omega. My delicate flower to protect and provide for.

Time felt like it stood still as I kissed her, and before I knew it, she was climaxing. She whimpered loudly before screaming in pleasure.

"J-Jack?" She was exhausted and her head was still clouded from Heat. "Thank you."

"Get some sleep, Mercy. We'll talk in the morning." She nodded, laying her head against my chest and falling into a deep sleep almost instantly. Her beauty never ceased to amaze me. I was the luckiest man on earth, with a gorgeous, smart, kind, and fun omega to call my own. I wrapped Mercy and myself in her navy blue and white comforter, pulling her close before falling asleep again, only to dream of the exquisite Omega in my arms.

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