16 - Prince Charming

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Mercy's POV

I climbed up into my bed, sliding underneath my comforter, sitting up against the headboard. "Alpha, I'm glad you mated me."

Sean sighed, sadness filling his eyes. "I wanted our mating night to be special." His voice began cracking as he cried, tears running down his pink cheeks. "I wanted you to feel like a princess.." He carried on, climbing into bed next to me and pulling me close to him in a hug. "I'm no better than that bastard William." He began to sob, and his crying upset me to the point of tears.

"Alpha, no. You are not that Monster. You are not that Fake Alpha." Quiet tears fell from my eyes. I moved my head so that my face was nestled in his neck. Softly kissing his mate mark and all around it, I began praising him between kisses. "You are my alpha."

"You are my protector."

"You are my lover."

"You are my caretaker."

"You are my prince charming."

"You are my knight in shining headphones."

"You are my king."

"I love you." He broke my chain of praise. I was stunned for a moment, but I knew that I felt it too. We were partnered souls, we had known each other before we even met. Soulmates.

"I love you too."

He leaned forward, moving me underneath him as he captured my lips in a passionate dance with his own. He teased my lips with the tip of his tongue, asking for entrance, which I quickly relinquished. We weren't horny or sex crazed. We were in love as only Soulmates can be. I pulled away for a breath of air and saw that his blue eyes were shining.

By his shocked expression I knew that my green eyes were also shining. It was true. We were soulmates. "That's why I couldn't stop myself from mating you the first chance I got..." Sean gasped in realization. "Your scent, it was so intoxicating, more than any omega I've ever met, even when they were in heat. Now I know why." His lips curled up in a joyful smile and my own lips mirrored his.

"We might have never met if it weren't for Mark... and you moving to LA." My eyes widened. What if I had never met Sean? What if I lived out the rest of my days alone? Could anyone that wasn't my soulmate love me after I was discarded like trash?

I quickly dismissed these thought, brushing them out of my mind. I have my alpha. He's not leaving me. Similar words had come to mind when William would beat me and abuse me, scream at me and throw things at me. Those memories were carved into my brain, they would never leave. I was plagued with the nightmares each night of him finding me and beating me again.

"Mercy?" Sean called my name, his ocean blue eyes laced with worry. "What's wrong, love?" His arms tightened possessively around my waist.

"Nothing, just bad memories." I dismissed him. I could worry on my own time. "Can we go to sleep now, please?" He seemed wary of my sudden request, but nodded.

"Anything for my mate." The word spilled off his tongue like a tropical waterfall, it sounded so pure, so warm, so loving when he said it now. He kissed my forehead and laid down on his side, spooning me. His arms were so warm and cozy, wrapped possessively around my waist. His legs entangled with my own and he took my right hand in his right hand, holding me closer if that was even possible.

Soon enough I was falling asleep, no fear of nightmares with my mate so close to me.

(A/N: Sorry it's a little short. I had a panic attack tonight and writing like this helps me cope/calm down. I'll try to post again soon. Please keep commenting, I love feedback.)

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