19 - Amazing Opportunities

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A month has passed since we told the world. 2 weeks since Faith moved out, and 1 week since Sean moved in. We were finally all settled, I let Sean have my original recording studio since it was larger than Faith's room, which I turned into my own recording studio.

He argued that I should keep my old studio, but I only argued back that his channel needed more space with his crazy schemes and recent abundance of ego videos. "Sean, dinner's here!" I called to him from the front door. He was currently editing his video for tomorrow and we had elected to order Chinese since I had been busy all day at Ethan and Tyler's house helping them get everything organized for the wedding. 

Tyler had only proposed last week but Ethan wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for their big day. To him, that meant starting to plan as soon as humanly possible. Tyler suggested to us that the colors be white and baby blue for his "Baby Boy Blue" and Ethan nearly passed out from being so love-struck. They were an adorable couple, and Tyler was always so careful with his small omega. 

As soon as I placed the food on the kitchen island, Sean's strong arms snaked their way around my waist and his lips placed a gentle kiss on the crook of my neck and hummed. "You smell good." I could hear the smirk in his voice. 

"Yeah, well that's what happens when Ethan drags you to three different florists in a day." I giggled, turning around in his arms and pulling him into a kiss. "What video did you put out today?"

"Spiderman again, it's so amazing and I just couldn't put down the controller today."

"Ooo, fun. Ethan and I did a short collab with Mariokart because all he wanted to do was plan for a wedding that won't happen for many months." I sighed, turning back around to get our food out. Sean was partial to Lo Mein while I much rather preferred Sweet & Sour Chicken, but we both enjoyed Egg Drop soup. I had even paid extra for the Bite Squad driver to stop and get ice cream. Sean had been working so hard the last few weeks with moving in and keeping up with his channel, Twitter, Tumblr, and even his scheduled Twitch live streams and I wanted to get him a small treat before tonight. 

We sat at the table and ate our dinner, talking over the happenings of our days. 

Mark had invited us over tomorrow for dinner with himself and Amy. Mark had a surprise for Sean and I and had refused to wait any longer after our bonding almost a month ago.

Ethan wanted me to come by a couple days a week to help him with the wedding but I told him we both had channels to run and alphas to please. Sean and I hadn't been very intimate since our first time. He was still so afraid of hurting me, and he was always overly careful and gentle with me. Tonight, I was hoping to change all of that.

After cleaning up the table, I slipped away to our bedroom for a moment to slip into a sexier ensemble. I reemerged from our bedroom and walked silently behind the couch where Sean was lounging comfortably and watching the Ireland v. Switzerland game. A smile crept up on my lips as I came around to the front of the couch. His eyes never left the television screen, that is, until I climbed into his lap wearing only blush pink lingerie, my hair pulled into a high ponytail. 

Faith had dragged me to Victoria Secret right before she moved out, picking out multiple "outfits" for me to try out. She was absolutely ridiculous sometimes, but I still love her.

Sean's eyes quickly darted away from the screen and raked down my scantily clad body. I watched as his pupils dilated and his eyes turned a deep ocean blue as opposed to the usual bright sky blue. "What's all this?" Deep rumbles came through his chest, exciting my own body. 

"I thought since we haven't been intimate in a long time, maybe tonight we could retire to our bedroom a little early?" A smirk flooded across his cheeks and his fingers dragged down my waist until his hands grasped under my thighs, lifting me up as he stood up from the couch in one motion. Sean's strength never ceased to amaze me, he was stronger than any other alpha I'd ever met for his size. With my legs wrapped tightly around his waist and his fingertips digging into my bottom, our lips found each other and tangled in a passionate kiss, and he walked us to our bedroom, tossing me lightly down on the bed, his eyes once again filled with lust.

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