15 - Bath Time

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Sean's POV

Not long after we shared a few minutes of comfortable silence, I managed to pick her up in my arms and carry her to her bathroom, kicking the door shut behind us. She had a large marble bath with tons of bubble bath, bath bombs, and soaps all collected neatly in a white wicker basket on the counter by the sinks. I lifted her up and sat her down on the counter while I ran her a hot bath.

Now that I had satiated her body's need for breeding, her heat would be over for the next few months. A hot bath would sooth her aches. Testing the water with my hand, I decided it was just about the right temperature. I turned around to Mercy, who was still sat on the counter. She looked so innocent, except for the mark on her neck. I worried about what the fans would think. Would they attack her for being easy? Or me for pushing her? What were we going to say to them? When would we tell them?

I lifted her up and placed her into the middle of the bath before climbing in and sitting behind her. Her petite figure rested against my chest as I picked up on of the many bath bombs from the wicker basket. This one was a blush pink tone with a rose-shaped top that was dusted in gold. Perfect for my little omega. Dropping it into the water that surrounded us, letting it bubble and fizz. The bath water turned pink and Mercy sighed in contempt. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, pulling her long hair to the side. "Feeling better, beautiful?"

"Yes Alpha."

"Let Alpha take care of you." I picked up a teal bottle of floral scented body wash, squirting some on a loofa, and I began gently washing her tiny body. First her arms, then I slowly moved to her back, followed by her legs, and her front. I loved taking care of her almost as much as I enjoyed our encounter earlier. Something within me told me to treat her like a goddess, and I was in love with the feeling of her depending on me. With the popular new social move for Omegas to be more independent from their Alphas, I felt blessed to have an Omega that didn't have a distaste for my care instincts. "I'm going to wash your hair now, baby girl." She hummed in agreement, drawing incoherent designs in the pink water with her pointer finger absentmindedly.

Her shampoo and conditioner bottle was pearl pink, with the words "soft cherry" strewn across it in fancy lettering. I gently massaged the shampoo into her scalp, the hints if cherry scent filling my nostrils. No matter what scent she was covered in by soap or perfume, I could always smell her true scent of intoxicating strawberries and vanilla creme.

After our bath, I climbed out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my waist quickly before helping my little omega out of the tub, engulfing her in a warm, fluffy towel. I then carried her bridal-style out of her bathroom and into her bedroom as the pink water slowly drained from the tub. Her arms were wrapped loosely around my neck as i carried her pulling us just a bit closer to one another.

I placed her down on the soft white carpet, kissing the crown of her forehead before going back out to the living room to grab my duffle bag. It wasn't too much, just enough for a few days. I had clothes, a toothbrush, my toothpaste, deodorant, socks, underwear, and other small necessities. I walked back to Mercy's room, thoughtful about how well her bedroom and bathroom suited her and her personality. I had been watching her videos for months, infatuated with her cute mannerisms and adorable giggle just as all the other thirsty Alphas were that watched her YouTube channel. She was girly, but still had a bit of nerdy/geeky personality that I adored. The navy blue paint and comforter balanced out the blush pink, the gold, and the white of her furniture and wall art.

When I looked up at her, she was wearing a black MercyRulesGames T-Shirt with Pink and White bubble lettering and some black spandex shorts. He had only recently started selling merchandise online, and the store was limited to the shirt she had on now in Black, Grey, White, Blue, and Pink, a game controller plushie for her channel insignia, and Lost Omega Foundation bracelets.

I pulled a random shirt and basketball shorts out of my bag, briefly seeing that the shirt was charcoal grey with some large brand name in the center. I didn't pay much attention to it as I slipped it and my shorts on over my boxers.

"You look cute in your pajamas, Sean." Mercy teased me.

"You're not too bad looking either, Miss Carver." I chuckled, throwing back at her.

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