Chapter 2

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"This is the lounge where everyone usually hangs out after school or before training. In there is my friend, Tristan. He'll be your sparring partner for the first week." The muscular boy, Tristan, jogs over to us, and looks at me.

"Bonjour. Tu dois 'etre Katy, je suis Tristan. J'entends que tu seras mon partenaire d'entertainment. Aimes-tu spar?"

"Tristan's fluent in French, and is currently learning English. He was asking if you liked to spar."

"Oh, um. Oui, j'aime spar." He grins, and grabs my body in a bear hug.

"Tu es belle, Miss Katy."

"Merci, Tristan. Nous devirons etre sur notre chemin." I gawk at his French accent, and Derek pulls me away.

"I know a little French, so I think we'll be fine. What's next?"

"This is the training room. You'll come here every morning to train with Tristan. After school, you're to do your homework, then come right here to spar with someone, preferably me."

"Shouldn't be too strenuous. I sparred with my father when I was younger."

"You should be better now. Our warriors are stronger than most."

"Warriors?" I look up at him, 'confused' etched on my face.

"In there is my older sister, Lauren. She can be a bitch at times, but she's really nice once you get to know her. Definitely a boy magnet, but none of the guys here are even interested in her." I turn my head to look at the girl with medium-length blonde hair bound over to us.

"Hi, you're Katy, right? I'm Lauren. Hope you like it here."


"How big is this house?"

"Four stories. This floor, your floor, the third floor which is off-limits, and the garage which is open to everyone."

"And that's the end of the tour. I hope you enjoy it here." Derek leaves, shutting the door, and walks down the stairs.

I belly-flop onto my bed, take out my phone, and slide my earbuds in. 'Hungry Like The Wolf' begins playing.
A text from Esme pops down from my screen saying dinner is ready. I press the text, and reply back with an ok. I open the door, and follow the horde of teenagers down the stairs to the kitchen.
I walk into the dining room, grab a plate, and fill it with food. "Katy! Come sit with us!" I look up towards Derek, shaking my head. He takes my plate and sets it down beside him.

"Look who sat with us." Lauren said, grasping my hand, and kissing it.

"Thank you. This dinner looks amazing." The others dug into the grilled chicken, and I took small bites. They look at me, and laugh under their breath.

"So, why are you here, Katy? Surely you aren't human."


"You know what I'm saying. I don't think you're human." Lauren goes on.

"Don't go there, Lauren. She doesn't need to know, not now." Derek growls at his sister, and she puts her hands up in mock surrender.

"This meal is over! Get to bed and be ready for training tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I don't have anything for school." I tell Kim as she finishes her announcement to the mess hall.

"There are extra school supplies in the closet. Go have a look."

"I think I will." I walk away, dumping my food into the trash can, and investigate the closet. I pick out a black messenger bag with a skull, pencils, two black pens, and a 'Supernatural' lanyard.


"Got everything?" Tristan asks, helping me slide my bag on.

"No, I forgot my necklace upstairs." I run upstairs in my converse, and examine myself in the mirror. My slim frame looks gorgeous in a red lace crop top, black jeans, and my Converse. I nab my necklace off the dresser, and jog down the stairs, jumping three from the bottom.

So what do you guys think Katy is?
How will her first day at a new school for supernaturals go?

Please comment, vote, and follow!!!

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