Chapter 12

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The song is "Havana" by Pentatonix.


"You ready?" The three of us were awake and dressed in my bedroom. We had grabbed breakfast a few minutes ago, and packed snacks for the trip.

I creak the door open, and look for any signs of the supernaturals. We pad out into the hallway, down the wooden stairs, and out the garage door having our pick of the cars. Jennifer slides into the driver's seat, leaving me to slide into the passenger seat, and Selena in the back. The garage door creaks open, and we head out.

"If we take the highway to Blood Moon Falls, we could make it in ten hours, including breaks."

"We can switch drivers in three hours, then." I say, drifting off.


"Katy? Katy?! Katy! I need help! Wake up!" Jennifer yells to my sleeping form.

"What's wrong?" I wipe the grogginess away. There in the road is a body, presumably dead, but the arm twitches. I get out of the car, crouch down next to the body, examine it, and tilt the face towards me. Bile rises in my throat as I recognize the face; my sister. I thought she'd died in the car crash along with my foster parents, but here she is, laying in the road.

"Do you know her?" Selena asks, walking over towards me.

"She's my sister."

"Heal her, Kat. Only you and Selena can heal." Selena grabs my hands, and starts chanting in a strange language. The girl's road rash heals instantly.

"Elizabeth? Can you hear me?" The brown haired girl sits up.

"Hi, Katy. Haven't seen you in forever. I came looking for you after I heard that the Orphans had gotten to you. I was attacked by a coven of witches on the way out, also known as the Hex girls. Their boyfriends dumped me out here, and I've been laying here ever since."

"Where were you living before all this?"

"Blood Moon Falls. Great town, but it's completely overrun with supernatural creatures and Hunters alike. A disease is killing the wolf population, and I tried to stop it."

"That's why you got kicked out."

"Yeah. So, where are you girls heading?"

"Blood Moon Falls. My mother's the sheriff there."

"The sheriff is nice. Her new husband, not so much."

"My mother married someone else?"

"Yeah. The new husband killed your father, plus he's with the group of Hunters."

"I thought you said they lived in harmony." Jennifer says, her anxiety becomingly increasingly overwhelming.

Short. Short. Short. I don't like this chapter that much.

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