Chapter 18

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(Just a warning, this is a fight scene that's poorly written. If you're good at writing fight scenes, plz give me some advice)

I blast past the officers, the bigger of the six guards gaining on me. He trips and the skinnier one continues the chase. I skid past what looks like an important office, and end up smacking the guard in the face, causing him to fall. "Giving up already, snotnose?" I taunt as he limps toward me. I do a roundoff away from his beer-belly figure.

"Let me go!" I hear Jennifer scream as I try to run back there.

"Stop! What is going on here?" I'm frozen to the spot. A tall woman stands in the doorway of the office entrance.

"We're very sorry for disturbing you, Shayla. These four girls were caught sneaking in, as well as trying to kill our guards." Her gaze switches between us, landing on Jennifer and I. The guards hold my arms pinned behind my back, but I manage to turn around, and knee him in the groin.

"You will unhand them, and release the street dogs back out onto the streets where they belong." Selena and Elizabeth are carried away, not willing to go quietly.

"Why are we here?" Jennifer asks.

"You broke into my police station, knocked out my guards, and tried to kill the mayor of Blood Moon Falls."

"You can't keep us here, mother."

"Yes I can."

"Why is Katy in here?"

"Because, she's your sister."

Was anyone expecting that?
New surprises will be coming your way in the next chapter.

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