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Hoseok is a lucky guy and he knows it. School's going great, he has a job that he likes and Hyeri must have waved at him yesterday, not at someone else.

On top of that, the apartment is perfect and they no longer have to worry about whether or not they will have a place to sleep tomorrow. He and JJ are settled now.

And JJ? JJ is the perfect roommate. She cleans up but she's not a neat freak. She never complains about the loud music he often plays, she never forgets to take the trash out when she leaves and their dog is actually theirs; she never throws the responsibility of their pet onto him. Not to mention that she's his best friend.

Yes, JJ is a perfect roommate. When she doesn't spend hours in the bathroom.

"JJ, if you don't hurry up, I swear, I'll piss in the hallway!" he slams his fists on the door.

"Can you just chill for a second?" JJ yells back, currently preoccupied with her coconut body butter that can be smelled from miles away. She warned him, she always does. Most times, it ends like this; with her rolling her eyes and Hoseok banging on the bathroom door.

She warns him every single time.

On the other side of the door, Hoseok sighs, leaning his forehead on the door.

"I will chill when my bladder chills."

"Fine!" JJ snaps, throwing a towel over her shoulder, grabbing her body butter and a hair tie that she will probably lose by the morning. She opens the door suddenly, almost making Hoseok lose his footing and fall flat on his nose. Ignoring his curses, she makes her way to the newly decorated living room, leaving her roommate alone for him and his bladder to finally chill.

JJ looks around the room, quite pleased with the place Hoseok had chosen for them. With two exams set for today, she had no time to meet up with him and the real-estate agent, which meant that Hoseok was going to have to make the final call on his own.

He didn't make a wrong one, that's for sure. Besides, it's not like they really had a luxury of taking their time with the possible choices; they needed a place, ASAP.

When she finally arrived here, expecting a garage with rats running around, JJ was pleasantly surprised and she couldn't help but wonder why the heck this apartment wasn't already taken. But finders keepers and for the first time in weeks, she and Hoseok could breathe out a sigh of relief.

"You like it here too, don't you buddy?" she looks are GD, who suddenly got excited when he saw her; he is running around in circles, making JJ laugh. "It might not be as good as the last place, but it'll be home eventually."

The stress of finding a new apartment took years away from her life, she knows it. Namjoon had left them hanging, despite not doing it on purpose.

But it's settled now. All is forgiven and they will just have to get used to the new place.

"I said it before, I'll say it again," Hoseok marches into the living room. "We need a bathroom timetable."

"Or you could actually take a piss when I ask you if you need to take a piss before I take a shower?"

"Maybe," he shrugs as he falls on top of the couch. "Do you like the apartment?"

"It's good, but I'm just waiting for something to go to shit," JJ admits. "Faulty wires, broken pipes or some dramatic shit like that."

"It's a new building, JJ," Hoseok laughs at his friend. "Can't you just enjoy the fact that the drama is over."

"I can try," she sighs. "GD seems to like it."





"You can't name a dog after a rapper, JJ!" Hoseok snaps! "I feel like an idiot whenever I yell after him in the park!"

"That's why you yell GD and not G-Dragon!"

GD has been with them for two years and they still can't agree on the name.

"It's still idiotic."

"He likes it," JJ stands her ground. "Don't you GD."

As if on cue, GD starts wagging his tail.

"Kiss ass dog."

"Hobi!" JJ laughs. "Okay, I've had enough of you for today, drama queen," she stands up. "I'm going to test the new bed."

"Have fun, all by your lonesome."

"Yeah, you too," she responds in a heartbeat. "Unless you want to invite Hyeri to join you?"

She snorts her way into the hallway, ducking the pillow Hoseok throws at her.

Tired, she snuggles into her new bed, in her new room.

It was never easy for her to fall asleep in a new bed, but she hoped tonight would be different. After everything that has happened over the last couple of weeks, she deserves a break.

What JJ doesn't realize is that she is not alone.

Jungkook walks through the wall, eager to see the new girl. He checks her out, mentally whining about her being covered up in blankets.

"Looks hot enough."

JJ thinks she's finally lost her mind, having a strange, half-asleep, half-awake dream. She pulls the blankets closer, rubbing her face into a freshly washed pillow. Jungkook walks around to her, kneels by the bed and leans over to get a better look at her.


JJ's eyes open.

Jungkook stumbles and nearly falls on his ass when he realizes she's staring at him.

Not through him. At him.

She jumps and lets out the loudest scream he has ever heard. 

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