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"And, with Lenny Kravitz, we're calling it a day," I announce in the speaker as I twirl a bit in my chair. "We're in for a warm, rainless night, which is good news for all of you planning to put on some revealing costumes. It's Halloween so feel free to leave your inhibitions and umbrellas and home. Just remember not to drink and drive, kids. We're leaving you with DJ Suga's playlist because... well, DJ Suga and I got to get a little wasted too. Have fun!"

I turn off the microphone and sink a bit in my chair, watching as Yoongi already starts packing his stuff.

"Why are you rushing, the party doesn't start in like two hours? I'm not even rushing and I promised to be there earlier to help Hobi."

"I need to pick Jimin up," Yoongi sighs as he stuffs his laptop into a bag. "The fucker is 24 and still hasn't learned how to drive. One of these days, we're gonna get sick of driving him around."

"In theory," I laugh. "In practice, he has us all whipped."

"True," he reluctantly agrees. "Do you mind closing up alone? I need to get ready and pick him up and-"

"No, of course not," I shake my head. "You go."

There isn't much to do anyways – turn of a few computers, make sure the playlist is running all night long, turn off the lights and lock a few doors. In the morning it's much busier, with reporters and what not – I prefer taking over the afternoon shift, when it's either just me or me and Yoongles.

"Someone looking for a date tonight?" I laugh before even turning around. He has a habit of sneaking into the station towards the end of my shift, and honestly, he can no longer surprise me.

Actually, I take that back because I burst into laughter when I see him.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"


The idiot is wearing a white sheet over his head, with two holes cut out for his eyes.

"That coma of yours really made you lose your marbles, didn't it?"

"Coma, you, something did," he shrugs and takes off the sheet, beaming at me. "Now where the hell is your costume?"

"In my bag, because I'm not insane enough to walk around the streets wearing a dinosaur onesie."

"Party pooper!" he sulks.

"You knew who you fell for, so fuck you."

"True, true," he laughs and leans onto the door. "Ready to go?"

"Yep," I turn of the lights and jog towards him, putting my hand in his.

We walk around town casually, completely ignoring the fact that Hobi and Hyeri are expecting us to be at their place, well... 5 minutes ago.

That's what they get for making a Halloween slash housewarming party and expect two idiots to help.

"Did you take GD out?" I ask, smiling to myself when he throws an arm around my shoulder.

"Sure I did," he tells me. "Washed the dishes too. Everything is spotless."

"Thanks baby," I smile up at him. "Would have hated to have that to do after a party."

"Yeah right," he snorts. "I've seen you drunk. You don't even know your name and now you expect me to believe that you'd be able to do chores?"

"Oh, fuck you," he laughs when I roll my eyes.

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