36. Royal A-hole

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For a second there, I am confused as to why are all these limbs around me and why is there someone kissing my neck while I am on the brink of waking up.

It's been a long time since I woke up like this and after the last 12 hours or so, my brain is not in its best form. It takes me a few seconds but when I realize who it is and what had happened, I grin.

"Good morning, beautiful," he mumbles, his lips tickling the skin of my neck.

"Why the fuck are you waking me up Jeon?" I sigh, not surprised when I feel the bed shaking from his laughter. I can't laugh. Despite the plot twists my life is experiencing at the moment, I always was and always will be, an incredibly grumpy person when I wake up. With or without Jungkook in the mix. "This better be good."

"You slept for almost five hours, JJ," he tells me. "As you seem to forget, I can't sleep. Now, as cute as you are while you sleep, it is incredibly frustrating to be awake while you're sleeping like a log, while we could spend that time doing much more interesting things."

"You're going Edward Cullen on me again," I warn him, finally turning around. The best effort I can make is to squint with one of my eyes – it's enough to see that he's grinning at me. "Never go full Edward Cullen."

"I understand Edward Cullen much better now. Being supernatural with a human girlfriend? Sheesh."

"Dude, 6 days is not enough to go steady," I yawn and ignore his laughter. "And if you expect me to apologize for having basic human needs, I won't. You're the weird one, weirdo."

"I'm sorry for interrupting your basic human needs but I want attention," he doesn't sound sorry at all.

"You gotta make it up to me now," I yawn again. "Go and make me breakfast."

"JJ, I'm a ghost. How do you expect me to hold a frying pan?"

"I'm sure you can figure something out."

My guard was down and because of that, I yelped when he did what he did next. One moment, I'm still yawning with my eyes closed and the next, he's on top of me, pulling me by the legs so that he is situated directly between them, his body on top of mine completely, a wicked smile on his face.

"I can hold you better than I can hold a frying pan, that's for sure," his smirk only grows. "You're right, I sure can find a way to make it up to you."

"Kook, you're scaring me."

"While you were catching up on your beauty sleep, I had plenty of time to think," he tells me and I actually flinch when he comes closer to me, his lips connecting to my neck. "And I thought about how I didn't exactly... live up to your expectations last night."

"Dude, I didn't even realize I had a thing for you until yesterday, what expectations are you taking about? I literally didn't even have time to – no, don't do that," I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel his teeth graze my neck. "Kook, what are you doing, what-"

"Six days," he tells me, his face still hidden from out of my view. "Last night, I was out of my mind. I couldn't quite believe that it's you and that it's happening. Today, I will show you."

"No, Kook, show me what, Kook, no," I have a bad feeling.

"How that idiot of yours should have treated you," he nips my neck, making me jump up again.

"I know you have a dislike of him but I really would appreciate it if you would-"

"How idiot Jungkook from last night should have treated you," he cuts me off. "I'm going to treat you like you should be treated."

"Okay, seeing as you are obviously headed in the direction I think you're headed, why don't you stop being dramatic and just eat me out already?"

He looks up at me, from where he was nuzzling his head between my breasts, giving me a wicked smile. "Oooh, naughty," he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up and get down to business!"

"JJ. I'd like. To. Point out. The obvious," he tells me in-between kisses down my stomach, kisses that make me giggle along with his bangs that are tickling my skin. "I'm a ghost. I can't get tired. I can do this the whole day and if you test me," he grins like the devil himself as he sneaks his finger under my underwear, only to pull it up and have it smack my skin.

"You're a royal asshole, you know that, right?" I laugh because of course, of fucking course, he'd be the kind of guy who does things like smacking me with my own underwear.

"I wouldn't be calling me that if I were you, unless you want me to get close to your royal-"


"You're really incredibly fucking cute when you're pissed off, you know that," he sighs and suddenly rests his head onto my stomach, looking up at me like a puppy with those eyes of his. "I really am so fucking lucky to have met you."

"You might be an asshole, but right back at ya," I sigh as I run my hands through his hair, smiling when he all but purrs at my touch. "How about you eat me out some other time? What do you say we just cuddle?" I suggest.

"Hell to the no," he laughs and suddenly takes off my underwear in the speed of light. "This is mine for the next 6 days," he literally points between my legs. "I'm latching off of it only when you need a break."

"Jesus Christ, you really need to – Oh. Oh. Okay. I see you."

I can literally fill him laughing as he... digs right in.

Almost immediately, I could see what he meant. There was none of this last night. Each brush of his tongue, each touch of his fingers is very slow and deliberate, as if he wants to prolong my misery, which probably is exactly what he wants.

"Is this good?"

For a second I think he's actually being kind and considerate but when I find the strength to open my eyes and look at him, I see that wicked smile again. He's being a teasing ass and I know that because the moment he puts suction in the mix and latches onto the one part of my body that was desperately aching for attention, my back arches so hard, it seems as if he's performing an exorcism.

"I'll take that as a yes," he laughs.

"Oh you son of a- GOOD LORD!" I gasp when he pushes two of his fingers inside of me, with no warning whatsoever. "I'm so getting you back for this one," I manage to utter.

"That's what I'm hoping for," he giggles before reattaching his mouth to my skin.

Okay, y'all needed a more relaxed chapter after all the before drama and the drama I have in store, so I hope you enjoyed lol.

I do love you all tho <3

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