2. Why me?

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I always had a horrible feeling that at one point, my life will take a turn and just blow up into pieces. I knew it, I always had that feeling. I was just living while waiting for the bomb to explode.

That being said, I was expecting some sort of tragedy or a big failure.

I really wasn't expecting a ghost.

"I'm dead," he tells me. "Donzo. Gone. No more me."

"Are you sure? Because I can definitely see you."

"Yes, I think I would be aware if I was alive," he rolls his eyes. "I've been a ghost for... almost a year."

"How can I see you? I mean, you're here. I'm talking to you. Am I really going crazy?"

"You're not," he shakes his head. "But I have no idea how you can see me. I've been like this for a while and you're the first one that can actually see me."

Oh, joy. Out of all the surprising talents I could have discovered, I discovered that I can see ghosts.

Yippee ki-yay.

"Why? How?"

"I was going to ask you that."

Great, not only is he a ghost, but he's a sassy ghost.

He... he doesn't look like a ghost. He's not see through, transparent or floating around. Not only does he not look like a ghost, but he doesn't even look dead. No injuries, no pale skin, no nothing. He looks like a regular guy. Slightly good looking regular guy.

Nope. Hell to the no.

The only reason Fifty Shades is successful is because the guy is a hot millionaire. If he was an average hobo, it would be a horror movie.

"Why me? Why here?"

"I didn't find you," he shakes his head. "You came here."

"So... what, you haunt this apartment?"

"Well... yeah."

"Okay, that's going to have to change."

"Hell no," he looks insulted. "This is my place. I literally still own it."

"You're dead, you don't own shit."

"Well, my family owns it now," he rolls his eyes. "It's my place. You just got here an hour ago, sunshine. If anyone is leaving, it's you."

"Oh trust me, in a normal situation, talking to a fucking ghost would be reason enough for me to run out screaming but I really can't do that," I stand my ground. "You're a ghost. You can survive without having a roof over your head. You can find an empty place to occupy. I can't leave."

"Well, I won't leave," he doesn't give up. "This is my place."

"I hate to break it to you but earlier today, half of my bank account went into the hands of a real estate agency. I rented this place. It is now officially mine. For the next three months."

"You can't make me leave," he laughs. "You're just wasting your words. You can rant for hours, I'm still going to stay."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

Fuck my life. Just... fuck my life.

"Can you at least leave the room?"

"What, you plan on sleeping while knowing there's a ghost in your apartment?" he laughs at me.

"I can damn well try," I roll my eyes. "Leave the room." I point at the door.

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