29. Heart Beating or Not

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I would highly recommend playing The Smiths – Well I wonder while reading this.

It's up to you, ofc. Enjoy <3 :)


When people turn around and walk away from you, you really only have two options.

Which one you pick depends on a lot of things. How much that person means to you, if the situation is actually able to be salvaged, whether or not you are willing to make an effort and actually chase someone down, asking them to stay.

I'm not a chaser. I don't run after people. If they wish to walk away from me, I let them because if they really wanted to be next to me, they wouldn't have left to begin with, right?

But in this case, as I watched Jungkook walk away from me as fast as he could, my instincts kicked in and they kicked in in the complete opposite way. I went after him. I didn't even stop to think about it – I all but ran after him and after only a few feet, I knew it was the right thing to do.

He's a ghost, one that is actually capable of walking through solid material, such as walls. The fact that he did not do that now can only mean one of two things. One, an option I find highly unlikely, is that he actually forgot that he can do that and is marching away because he forgot he's a ghost.

Two, the one I'm kind of hoping for as I rush after him, that he is walking our way on purpose, to give me a chance to catch up with him, whether it is consciously or subconsciously.

The truth is, some people want to be chased after they make their grand exit. I don't know if Jungkook is one of those people but I'm not going to let my pride to stop me from going after him.

So I run. Despite not knowing how long I'll have to do it, despite not knowing where he's going, despite not wearing shoes meant for running. I run because Jungkook is someone you run after.

Finally catching up to him and afraid of losing him to a traffic light, I run through a crowd of people. "Kook, wait!" I yell and I can tell it startles him because even though he doesn't turn around, he speeds up and I ignore the grunts and complains around me, as I push people out of my way.

"Jungkook, please wait!" I yell from the top of my lungs, keeping my eye on the back of his head, not wanting to lose him in the sea of people. He just walks right through them, while I have to navigate and struggle and take a few insults on my way. I did not even realize it had started to rain until I had to do my best to avoid umbrellas seeing as I wanted to keep both of my eyes intact.

Rain did me a favor – people were rushing to get away from it, each step becoming easier than the one before. Even though Jungkook did not slow down once, as the rain became faster, so did I.

"WAIT!" I yell out again, reaching for him and this time, I actually manage to grab him by the sleeve. He shakes my hand away at once, hitting me on the arm in the process.

"Leave me alone!"

"No, I won't!" I follow him as he starts walking again, now able to keep up with him. "You didn't even give me a chance to explain!"

"Explain what?" he laughs. "The fact that you're a lying bitch? I could see that by myself!"

With great difficulty, I push his insult past me and focus on what's really important. "No, it's not that and you know it. I wouldn't have lied if I didn't have to!"

Jungkook: The Friendly GhostWhere stories live. Discover now