20. More

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"JJ, when's the last time you got laid?"

I am beyond the point of being surprised with anything Jeon Jungkook says or does. That being said, my sex life is not the topic of our usual everyday conversations. I raise myself from the position I was in, chilling on my bed and staring at the ceiling; I lift myself up to look at him and just as I imagined, he was twirling around on my desk chair, looking like an innocent kid and not like a 20-something guy who just asked me when was the last time I got laid.

"What gave you the impression that it's okay to ask me something like that?"

I'm not insulted or angry but come on, personal much?

"The deep bond between the two of us?" he offers and laughs when I snort. "Oh come on. We're practically roommates. It's not like I'm asking you to go into details."

"I'm single, Jungkook," I roll my eyes as I fall back down into my former position. "In case you forgot about it, you were there through my break up. Let's just say it's been a fucking while."

"I know that," I don't need to see him to know his words were accompanied by an eye-roll. "I'm asking with that in mind."

"He moved back to our hometown Kook," I sigh. He knows damn well I don't have a desire to talk about Namjoon and I don't understand why he's bringing him up. "Once again, it's been a fucking while."

"Okay then, when was the last time you had a good, decent, knock your socks of fuck?"

"Dude, why are you asking me this?" I laugh as I roll onto my side. I have no idea why he's so curious. I've heard more than enough sex jokes coming from him. "For the last time, it's been a fucking while."

"Yeah but... Don't you hook up with someone?" he asks. Oh wow, he's actually frowning. It looks as if he's concerned about the lack of living in my sex life. "I mean, you went out with Shorty a few times."


"Yeah, yeah, him."

"He's my friend."

"I didn't mean went out like on a date, I meant went to parties with him," he explains. Seconds later, I am startled when I realize he's lying down next to me. I don't think I'll ever get used to the bed not moving when he lies down on it. "You go out sometimes. Are you telling me you get no action at all?"

"Nope," I look back at the ceiling.

"How do you live?" he gasps. 

"My imagination and hand keep me good company when you go to haunt someone else."

"Oh fuck you," I can hear the laughter in his voice pretty much right next to my ear. 

"Right back at ya."

For a moment, we stay silent. Then we are both laughing.

"For real," sigh once the laughter dies down. "I don't need anything like that anymore. I'm perfectly fine with just myself at the moment. I don't want another Namjoon or another Namjoon situation."

"You're handling it pretty well," Jungkook points out.

"That's because you were right from day one – I was trying to revive something that was long dead."

"But don't you want to... I don't know, feel the good stuff again?" he asks and I turn my head to look at him in confusion. "I'm not talking about sex specifically. I'm talking about the good love stuff. I mean sure, when it goes to shit it hurts like hell but if it's good than it's pretty damn good, isn't it?"

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