23. Fortune

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"This is a bad idea, JJ," Jungkook huffs as he runs to catch up with me. Kind of fascinating that a ghost can run out of breath. Almost as fascinating as the fact that I'm actually faster than he is.

"You told me that before."

"Yeah, and you obviously weren't listening."

"Oh, I was listening. It's just that I don't really care about your opinion."


"Not in general, in my defense," I side-eye him. "Only for this particular case. If it were up to you, you'd either be dead or a ghost forever. That doesn't really work well with my idea to bring you back to life so... yeah, I'm not going to listen to you at all. Sucks to be you," I shrug.

"I really hate you sometimes, you know that?" he asks but I do not bother responding. Not only do I understand that but there is a group of people walking our way and I'm still not comfortable with the looks I get when I talk to... well, nothing. "I don't even want to do this. Why am I here?"

I wait for the group to pass us before turning to respond. "Because you're soft."

"I'm soft?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Yep," I nod. "Consider that a downside of having me around. I'm sure it's nice to have someone to scare every now and then, even make fun off, but I really did grow on you. All I needed was to flash a little smile when you told me you don't want to do this and you followed me anyway. You're soft."

I give him time to process the information, to look over his own proof as we walk towards the hospital. "Shit, you're right," he concludes with a theatrical sigh.

"Yep. Nothing you can do about it now. So you might as well just follow me to the hospital."

"Which I am doing right now," he rolls his eyes at me. "The thing that bugs me is what you plan on doing when you actually get there. I hate to break it to you, but I'm not exactly Snow White," he points out.

"I'll admit, while I did think of kissing the coma away from you, I have reached the conclusion that pushing your ghostly form into your body might be more effective," I joke, knowing that that's the only thing that could save my ass at the moment.

It did cross my mind that he might actually be a real male version of Snow White but I will definitely not say that to him, especially not now, since he's already sort of pissed at me. And if I do decide to test the waters on the Snow White theory, it sure as hell won't be with him in the room.

"For the love of god JJ, when will you give up?" he stomps his foot on the ground, acting like the kid he is.

"Never," I announce with a beaming smile. "Or maybe when your ghostly form leaves me."

"I'm going to go haunt someone else if you keep it up with this 'let's bring Kook back to life' bullshit," he warns me.

"No, you won't," I shake my head. "You say you don't approve of what I'm doing and yet, you haven't really done anything to stop me. You say you don't want me to do this and yet, you talk about touching and eating and all things human all the time. You say you are against this and yet you keep holding my hand like a lost kid and you follow me," as I say that, he let's go of my hand. "I know what you're doing and I know why you're doing it. I am officially giving you permission to keep it up. But at least be quiet once in a while."

If it's easier to act like he doesn't care, he should keep it up. But this girl needs some silence.

"JJ," he reaches for my hand to stop me from walking. I turn around, waiting for him to try to come up with another excuse. I look around impatiently as he runs a hand through his hair. "Look, I don't..."

Jungkook: The Friendly GhostWhere stories live. Discover now