24. Unicorn

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I never wanted to have the ability to see and communicate with a ghost, I never asked for it and still, I have it. Now, when I want nothing more than to be able to communicate with him without words, I have nothing, absolutely nothing.

I can see the pure panic on his face and it's beyond relatable – I feel it too, though I imagine his panic is stronger in intensity than mine. After all, it's been a year, a year filled with silence. Then out of nowhere, I showed up and now suddenly, someone else can see him as well?

Despite the evident fear on his face, he's the one that speaks first. "Don't say a word," he warns me.

I don't need to ask him a question – he can read it on my face, the look of 'what the hell' visible from miles away. "She could be bluffing."

Really? Really?! As if she had a 50-50 chance of actually guessing out of nowhere that there is a male ghost that only I can speak to? There are times when I am still flabbergasted at how big of an idiot Jungkook actually is.

He can see my anger. "Look, if someone asks you if you have a kilo of high quality heroine in your bag, you don't go 'sure, here, wanna taste it?," he snaps at me. I just point at my eye before pointing back at the curtain behind which the woman's kitchen is. "Nah, she's bluffing. She didn't make eye contact with me once. She's bullshitting you already," he reassures me.

Sure, that option stands but she was oddly specific with her warning, given that Jungkook was indeed touching her stuff and that unfortunately, he is a spirit that tends to follow me around.

Before I have a chance to reply in any way, the woman finally appears on the other side of the curtain, carrying a purple mug in her hand. "Finally," she smiles at me as she makes her way to the table, sitting right across from me. "What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Really? Puns? That's what we're doing.

"So, are you the real deal?" I ask, knowing that the question was a mistake the moment she raises one of her drawn eyebrows.

"Ask your friend," she nods her head to the left, right in the direction where Jungkook is standing, behind me, to my left. Fucking hell, she can really see him.

"She can't see me," Jungkook sounds as if he's in complete denial, but because of his insistence to act as if she's not saying the truth, I can't turn around to see if he looks in denial as well.

"He's right, I can't see him," the woman sighs, bringing the mug to her lips. "I can't hear him either. I can just sense his energy," she tells me.

"What do you mean his energy?"

"JJ!" Jungkook snaps at me and the woman chuckles.

"Right now? He's angry with you for confirming that he is actually here," she tells me. Yep, she can feel him alright. Then again, even I can feel the anger radiating from him. I'm lucky that I'm the only person that he can talk to; otherwise I'm pretty sure he would have murdered me by now. This way, I'm protected. I'm like a unicorn, Jungkook's own unicorn.

"Well, you got that right," I sigh, completely dropping my act of pretending like a ghost isn't following me around, causing Jungkook to sigh and I'm 100% sure, roll his eyes behind my back. "Okay, now all cards are on the table. Please help," I point behind my back, in Jungkook's general direction.

"You want him away from you?" she asks.

"Hey!" Jungkook souds offended.

"No," I shake my head. "I want him back in his body. Alive and well and miles away from a coma."

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