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Why in the world didn't I bring my headphones? Having headphones would zone me out from the rest of the world, even though it's not the entire world that is bothering me.

No, today I only have to deal with Jungkook. Jungkook and his huffing, puffing and whining.

"It's a bad idea JJ."

"Yeah, I heard you the first 836 times."

I know I never sat down and actually thought about what it would be like to have a ghost haunting you but if I had, I'm absolutely positive I would not have imagined this.

In my mind, being haunted could go in one of two ways: Paranormal Activity or Ghost. Either a demonic creature that would push me down the stairs, grab me by the leg and throw me around like GD tosses his favorite chew toy, or some sexy clay action to the sound of Unchained melody in the background.

I never could have imagined it would mean having a full grown toddler attached to my hip. It was bad before and it's even worse now, for two reasons.

One of them being, him trying to stop me from my bring Jungkook back to life mission. And the other one is... well, we know each other now.

He isn't some annoying pest, even if he can be very annoying when he wants to. He's a friend at this point; someone who bothers asking how did my exam go, or if something interesting happened today. He's a stable entity of my life, just like Hobi. Always there. The only difference is, I'm the only one that can actually see him.

"Yeah, and I'm going to say it another 836 times because it's a bad idea!"

"And I will ignore you, just like I did before."

I'm not a psychology student for nothing; I know a thing or two, even more so as being the only child of not one but two shrinks; he's afraid. He wants to be alive, he wants to find a way but he's too scared to hope for it, much less work for it.

I can't blame him. Hell, if I were him, I'd probably be even worse. But just because he's afraid to believe and try to find a solution, doesn't mean that I am the same.

"JJ, why would you-"

"Will you please just stop?!" I snap, finally losing my cool. Jungkook stops walking and stares me down, forcing me to do the same.

It is only then that I notice a couple looking at me as if I have lost my mind; it takes me a moment to realize it's because I just screamed at thin air and am screaming at nothing.

You know what? I don't care. Let them watch.

"I told you I'm doing this," I lower my voice but don't look away from him. "I'm trying and it's final."

"Fine!" he snaps in a second, throwing his hands up in the air; I watch as he turns around, looking at something to kick as he runs a hand through his hair. Now, he's staring at me again, opening his mouth only to close it, two times, not knowing which words he wants to say. I have never seen him this agitated; I ignore the taste of guilt in my mouth, knowing I'm the one who is making him this way.

I have to. He can scream at me, yell at me, call me names – if it'll make him feel any better, if it'll make him allow me to go through with this, I'll take it. I'll take it for the greater good.

"Fine!" he yells again. "If you want to do it, do it. But I'm not coming with you."


With that, I turn around and continue walking to the hospital he is in, not turning my head to check if he's following me, marching away in the opposite direction or simply just staring at me as I walk away.

Jungkook: The Friendly GhostWhere stories live. Discover now