11. Sense

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My body is frozen and my mouth is open wide as I try to comprehend what Jin just told me.

There's no way Jungkook's alive. There's no way in hell.

For one, I'm the only one that can fucking see him! I'm literally the only person in his one year experience of being a ghost that could see him, much less talk to him!

Not to mention that he told me himself! When I was still shocked at the sight of a random stranger I could see but Hobi couldn't, he pointed out that he's as dead as dead can get.

And now what? Now his friend is telling me that he's not dead? There's no way. No fucking way.

"JJ?" Jin waves his hand in front of my face. "Are you okay?"

I finally snap out of it, "Yeah, I'm good," I mumble. "So... um, your friend is in a comma?"

"Yes," he nods his head and as he starts to walk again, I have no choice but to follow him. "He has been in a comma since day 1. Life support and all that but he's still alive."

Of course. Of fucking course.

He lied, that's what he did. He didn't want to go into details and he just wanted to be the grumpy pessimist he has been since day one. The dead jokes spoke volumes.

He's full of bitterness and seeing his situation, I can't blame him. Hell, being in a comma might just be worse than being dead. I can't blame him for feeling the way he feels but his bitterness and attitude kept this hidden from me.

And the fact that my ghost is still very much alive is kind of classified as need to know information, from my point of view.

I'm going to kill him, whether he's already full dead or half dead. I'll end him.

"I'm very sorry," I tell Jin, knowing that my inner monologs might freak him out. I'll figure out a way to kill a ghost when I'm alone.

"I told you, we've... we've gotten used to it already," he mumbles, looking down at the ground as he keeps walking. "It's strange. Like you're mourning but not completely. You haven't said goodbye but you have mourned them."

"Wait, is there a chance that... that he'll wake up?"

"If you believe in miracles, yes," he tells me. "If you're a bit more on the practical side of things, chances are slimmer than slim. I don't know how long his folks plan on having the machines on. From where I stand, it looks like unnecessary torture."

Well, he might be right. I've seen enough movies to believe that life support machines are the reason he's in the limbo. If he was actually dead, he probably wouldn't be a ghost.

None of that explains why I can see him but at this point, I don't consider that to be the biggest problem.

"I'm very sorry about that Jin," I tell him, feeling like a broken record. But really, what else can I say? He lost his friend or at the very least, is losing his friend. He's gotten used to it to the point of sounding pretty cold hearted when talking about it.

But I know people a bit better than that. After all, I study them. He's keeping his emotions in check because it's easier to do so. It's easier to pretend like you've accepted everything than to actually accept the fact that your best friend is gone.

"He is a great guy too," Jin chuckles, as if he can remember some random, precious memory he didn't even consider precious until he lost his friend. "Funny, smart. All over the place, always full of energy. It's almost as if that person in the hospital bed isn't him at all. Miles away from what Jungkook was."

Jungkook: The Friendly GhostWhere stories live. Discover now