8. Bonding Time

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"Are you wearing clothes?"

I roll my eyes as I get up from the bed, tripping over a blanket in the process. I open the door to Jungkook, who has a hand covering his eyes.

"Is it safe to look yet?" he asks. It'd be very cute, if it wasn't for the smile on his lips. He's playing with me.

"No, my boobs are wild and free," I deadpan.

I'm not really surprised when he spreads out his fingers, peaking to see if I'm telling the truth.

"Hey!" he whines and I roll my eyes as I return back onto my bed, falling on top of it. I don't even have the energy to move one of my legs that's hanging on the side of the bed, despite how uncomfortable it feels. "What's up with you today?"

"I'm tired," I mumble into my pillow, looking up when I feel a weight on the bed next to me.

I will never get used to the fact that he can actually lie down but can't pick up a toothpick with ease.

I don't even have the energy to fight him for getting on my bed again.

"If you can't handle drinking, why do you drink?" he asks. To my complete surprise, he's actually not teasing me. He asks in genuine curiosity and I can hear worry in his voice. I think he's starting to like me, or at the very least, tolerate me. It's kind of nice, not being annoyed 24/7. I like him better this way.

"I had two beers, I'm not hungover," I shake my head. "I'm just tired from... I don't know, socializing? Going out in public? In case you didn't notice, I'm a pretty closed off person."

"Why?" he asks me. "You're a fun person to hang around with, why aren't you more outgoing?"

"I was born with it, I guess," I shrug, turning my head on the side and he does the same to face me. "I have my own little circle of friends and I'm perfectly fine with not stepping out of it."

"No wonder it took you time to warm up to me."

"Who said I warmed up to you?" I try to be dead serious but when he starts laughing, I join in. "What about you? I mean, before. Were you a party freak or what?"

"Not really, if I'm being honest," he tells me, his eyes leaving me and turning to the ceiling. I need to be more careful with my questions. For all I know, he hates talking about the past. And why wouldn't he? "I was mostly hanging around with my circle as well but I'd step out of it every now and then."

"Do you want to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" he frowns at me.

"About yourself?" I elaborate. "I mean, all I really know is your name and that you're a ghost. Meanwhile, you know everything about me. You even took a peek in my underwear drawer."

"That I did," he chuckles.

"See? Not fair. I know nothing. So if you want to tell me who you are, who you were... I'm listening."

"Okay," he turns on the side to face me completely and I mirror his movements. "What do you want to know?" he asks. He genuinely looks interested in talking. He even has a smile on his face. He looks even more childish when he smiles. In fact, he looks like a guy who's looking forward to his future, ready to take it all on, excited eyes, rosy cheeks and bright smile.

But no. He's a ghost and he has only me. Despite that, he's still smiling. As adorable as he looks right now, I shouldn't forget just how incredibly annoying he can get in just one second.

"Let's start with the simple things. How old are you even?" I ask him; I don't even know that.

"I was 22 when I died," he tells me. "I suppose that makes me 23 now."

"Okay," I nod my head, ignoring the feeling of pity. I've gotten to know him well enough to know that he doesn't want pity and given the situation, hiding it from it is the least I can do. "Family?"

"Mom, Dad, older brother," he tells me. "We were very close until I moved but we were always okay."

"What was your major?" I ask. "Wait, did you even go to university?"

"I did," he chuckles. "IT."


"I know, I don't seem like a nerd, do I?" he laughs.

"That was a "Wow, you must be smart" not "Wow, you're a nerd" reaction," I roll my eyes. "I don't know what else to ask. Share whatever you feel comfortable with sharing. Favorite music, band, movie, game, sport..."

"Okay," he nods. "Pop, rock, indie. Red Hot Chili Peppers and Arctic Monkeys. Iron Man. Overwatch. Soccer, basketball and volleyball."

"Nice," I laugh, impressed with his music taste. "Favorite 'Game of thrones' character?"

"Out of all the random shit you could have asked me," he laughs, shaking his head. "Tyrion."

"Why Tyrion?"

"Because he's cool," he shrugs. "What about you. No, wait, let me guess. Jon Snow, right?"

"Guilty," I admit, ignoring his laughter. "Hey, the guy is hot and he has a sappy story. I'll buy it."

"Not surprised," he comments and laughs when he sees the confused look on my face. "Well, you're still with a guy who obviously doesn't care enough about you. You're a bit blinded by looks, aren't you?"

"I'm not with Namjoon because of his looks," I laugh. "I'm with him because he's a great guy."

"Sure he is."

"He makes me happy."

"Is that what you are right now? Because if it is, I'd really hate to see you pissed off."

This is what happens when you have some bonding time with a stupid ghost.

"Okay, let's hear it from you lover boy, how come you're oh so knowledgeable about relationships? Did you sleep around or were you with one girl since you could walk, talk and flirt?" I ask.

It's starting to get annoying. I try to push his comments away and ignore it but his comments really do get under my skin. Unless he has something to back it up with, I'm going to smack him on the head, even if my hand goes right through his brains. I'm sick and tired.

"I probably didn't sleep around as much as you think I have," he tells me, looking oddly somber.

"How the hell you know what I think?" I ask.

"You called me 'lover boy'," he shrugs. "I didn't date around like crazy. In retrospective, I wish I did. I wish I had more fun when I had the chance. But yeah, I only ever had one proper relationship. Three... relationships, hook ups; however you want to call it, only one serious."

"Then why are you so cynical about Namjoon?"

"Because I'm a guy, JJ," he sighs. "I fell in love once, I think. And I was willing to do anything for that girl. Literally anything. Eventually, it simmered down and we went our separate ways, which is exactly what is going on with you and your guy but you refuse to accept it, holding on to what it was. If he was crazy about you as he was before, he would have stayed. I'm sorry but that's the truth."

"You don't know Namjoon," I shake my head. Joon isn't an idiot. If he's no longer feeling the same way, he wouldn't drag it out. He wouldn't do that to me. If nothing else, he wouldn't do that to the friendship we built our relationship on. Even if he didn't love me anymore, I know, I am 100% sure that he would still respect the friendship we have.

"You keep saying that," Jungkook nods. "You know him. You tell me then. Is it the same as it was before?" he asks.

Of course it's not the same, we're no longer in the same place, together. I don't see him at all and I he used to be the first thing I would see the moment I open my eyes. Of course it's not the same.

Jungkook might have a point after all but only to a certain extent. It's not all black and white and he really shouldn't be projecting his failed relationship onto my struggling one.

"See?" he asks when I don't answer after a while, still caught up in my own thoughts. "You might not be saying it out loud but you know. Inside, you know. If it's not over now, it will be soon. I just hope it doesn't hurt you too much when it becomes official."

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