10. Eggshells

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I am walking on eggshells, that's what I'm doing.

Ever since Hobi mentioned someone stopping by today, Jungkook has been in a foul mood and I have been doing my best not to trigger him, despite knowing that this is something that should be addressed. That's the problem with being a psychology major: I know shit.

I know shit that leads to me playing a shrink, trying to help a ghost see sense.

It's a shame I can't really put that on my CV under previous work experiences, can I?

I watch as he twirls on my computer chair, saying nothing. He's been moody and quiet since last night but he hasn't left my company once, except for when he allowed me to go to the bathroom on my own. He was even sitting on the chair when I feel asleep; I stopped bothering to kick him out at night.

It's kind of flattering to know he still wants to be around me, even if his mood is shitty. But I can't ignore the pink, glittery elephant that's been in the room with us for a while.


"Hm?" he doesn't look at me; he just keeps twirling on the chair.



"Jungkook, we need to talk."

"Are you always this fun?" he finally stops twirling but instead, he glares at me. "No wonder your lover boy ran away with the lamest excuse."

I just sigh, knowing that he's lashing out because of other things. It's a dick move but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do it for any other reason; he's just frustrated. "You done? Or should I listen to a few more low comebacks?" I ask and as expected, he says nothing. "We can't ignore it. Someone will come here. Your parents will come here."

"You're the one that can see me JJ, not them," he points out.

"I know that," I tell him. "Look, I don't want to meddle too much but I can talk to you. I'm aware that if I was to say something to them, they'd think I'm crazy but I could prove it somehow."

"Prove what?" he frowns.

"That I can see you. You can tell me something only they'd know and they'll realize it could have only come from you," I explain. After all, that's how "Ghost Whisperer" went.

"Why the hell would you do that?" he asks.

"I don't know," I shrug. "I thought you'd want that. To say something to them. To reassure them that it's okay. That you're not alone anymore. To give them one last message. Or maybe they'd want to tell you something. I think that would be very healing."

For a few seconds, he stays silent. When he bursts into laughter, I can only watch in shock.

For the first time since I met him, he actually looks scary. I can actually see the dark part of him, the negativity. I can't blame him for it. There's no way I could ever understand how this must feel for him, what he must be going through. It must hurt and it pains me to know that I can't help him. But looking at him now, laughing like a maniac in an obviously forced laughter, I can't help but feel a little scared.

"Wow JJ," his laughter finally dies down. "For a smart chick you really can be stupid sometimes. Why do you think I'd want that? You think I'd see the light? Get closure? Or would you be willing to serve as a mediator until my folks join me in the afterlife?"

"I was just offering to help."

"Grow up JJ," he shakes his head. "You have watched one too many movies. You don't see the world for what it is. You're a smart girl but you're naïve beyond belief. It's sad too watch."

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