25. To Haunt An Idiot

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She called me a puppy more than once. Based on her words, I'm more of a bunny but she also considers me a puppy because I follow her around like following her around is the only thing I want to do.

To an extent, she's absolutely right – I do follow her around and although I'd never admit it to her, that pretty much is the only thing I want to do. But what JJ fails to notice and what I'm careful not to point out (mostly because I don't want it to change) is the fact that she follows me around as well.

She doesn't notice it, I know she doesn't. In these weeks and months, I've gotten to know her pretty well – if she was aware of the way she can act sometimes, it would change instantly and that's exactly why I don't point it out to her. I notice how she looks for me whenever she walks into the apartment. I know she peaks her head through the door whenever I leave a room. I know she googles ways to help me, day and night.

It's crazy, I know, but the girl cares for me. And if I point it out, especially in a teasing manner, I know she'll stop with that behavior. She'll stop being a puppy too but apparently, she even stopped being a puppy now.

I was expecting her to follow me immediately, as soon as I left that old hag's place. She didn't. I've been home for at least 15 minutes and JJ is yet to make an appearance.

It doesn't matter what I do – JJ refuses to listen.

I told her I don't want to try and she doesn't want to drop it. The only thing I didn't tell her is the truth.

I didn't lie to her, I couldn't do that. But when I said I don't want to be disappointed when we don't find a way to help me, that's not exactly what I mean. The truth is, I don't want her to get disappointed.

For whatever reason, she made it her mission to help me and when it fails miserably, she's going to be broken. And I'm not sure if she can handle another breakage. I keep on trying to talk her out of it, not wanting a front row seat to another breakdown of hers but she just refuses to listen.

She's as stubborn as she is difficult.

And she is as difficult as she is beautiful.


As much as I didn't want to go home, I knew I had to. I didn't want to deal with Jungkook today, at least not for the next few hours. I didn't want to look at him knowing that another lead ended up being a complete and total dead end.

Well, not necessarily. But I know that in his mind, the end is as dead as it could be.

I wanted to postpone that conversation but I also knew it was impossible, which is why I eventually ended up back home, despite taking the long route back.

I kick off my shoes, noticing that he doesn't jump out to greet me like he usually does. I know he's here and hiding away from me and honestly, I can't blame him. I wanted to do the same but I had to go for the alternative – a cold beer and an awkward conversation.

I find him on top of my bed, staring up at the ceiling, not acknowledging my presence in any way. Well, not until I sit down on the bed and push his ass away with mine. "Move your ass, dumbass."

He lets out a chuckle which I know he tried to hold in but he moves and I plump down next to him, holding onto my beer before chugging in a way a proper lady should never chug. "Now what?" he asks.

"I don't know," I admit in a sigh. "Do you have any unfinished business here?" I ask him.


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