Chapter Seventeen: The Train Station

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"Before we leave we kinda need our weapons."
I gestured towards them on the table.
Nini said "Oh, those just grab them. Don't worry I won't shoot you if you grab them."
I grabbed the two bows and handed Michelle one, and twenty arrows each.
"Thanks, Lee now let's go fight some people."
I let out a weak yay and walk out the door. We started walking out the door in a close cluster of the four of us. I didn't trust this situation at all, Nini and Lauren had real guns. I and Michelle only had bows and arrows, they could end he anytime they wanted to.
"Michelle I think we get some distance from them."
"Yeah that would make me more comfortable, they could just kill us."
"Yeah, that is what I was thinking and its unsettling. Hey, guys were going to fall back to better survey the area."
Nini had an awkward grin on her face and was talking through her teeth: "Sure that sounds GREAT."
I and Michelle felt a little safer with the distance between us and them. We walked about a quarter of a mile, that means we still have over a mile left to go. As we walked down the different streets I saw the building me and Michelle had burned. Then I noticed something peculiar about the building. They were black footsteps from the soot leaving the building.
"Michelle those weren't they earlier were they?"
"No, but maybe a soulless just walked through that area."
"I don't know something just feels off about this whole situation. Are you absolutely sure Dominic is dead?"
"I mean Lee you put an arrow through his heart I think the man is pretty dead."
"Guys hurry up we still need to be somewhat close. It's okay we don't bite."
She keeps saying that, like I understand you don't bite, but you most definitely shoot. I and Michelle picked up our paces to close up the distance. I kept looking down the streets and everything seemed normal, or as normal as life gets now. Then I scanned one street and screamed: "No, we killed you get back!"
"Lee, calm down what's wrong?"
I looked back and Dominic was gone: "No he was just here I just saw him!"
"Hey, guys shut up! We're almost there." This time Lauren told us and she seems a lot angrier than Nini.
"Lee, what's wrong? What did you see?"
"I just saw Dominic, right there."
"Lee, you must be hallucinating we were just talking how you killed him. It must have triggered a panic attack or something."
"Alright, maybe you're right. I'm just hallucinating l, that's all."
We started walking again and I just agreed on looking forward. I have been tracking how far we traveled, and we must be getting close to the location. Then I saw an abandoned train station and knew this is where we are supposed to be.
"Michelle I think this is where we are going to do the fight."
"Yeah, it seems like the area where a fight would happen. Are you ready for this Lee?"
"There's no better time than the present. So let's start this so it can be over quicker."
Nini gestured us to move closer: "Okay guys this is where the fights going to happen."
Lauren kicked in: " The element of surprise is on our side."
"Okay, Lauren thanks for that. Alright were splitting into two groups, Me and Lauren and you two. When this is all done we will let you guys do whatever."
Michelle said: " Alright let's get this over with, I and lee will take the left side if that's okay."
Nini was agitated: " No it's not okay you guys will take the right side, and if you're wondering why don't. I am in charge and I make the rules."
Michelle was smiling for some reason: "Okay that's fine with. See you back here when it's all done."
Nini and Lauren started to walk away to the left side.
"Wow, they are so easy to manipulate."
"What do you mean Michelle?"
"I didn't want the left side, so I said I wanted it. I knew she would want to show her dominance and give us the right side."
"Wow, that's pretty smart actually. Why did you want the right side so bad though?"
"I figured they be fewer people over here."
"Okay let's get started."
"Wait, before we do this how about we just ditch them? It's not like they'll be able to track us down."
"No, Michelle we gave them our word, so we are going to help them."
We started walking through the train station when we found a door leading to a terminal.
Michelle started to whisper: "Alright draw your bow just in case someone is there okay."
I nodded yeah and waited for her to opened the door.
"Alright, three, two, one."
The door flew open and I immediately saw a soulless standing there. I released my arrow straight into its throat and walked up to it.
"Wait for this Lee guess what?"
"What, we got to hurry up."
"This soulless is wearing a chain. That means there using soulless as protection."
"That just complicated thing worse than they already were. Now we have to fight soulless and survivors."
As soon as I finished saying this there was an ungodly loud scream.
"It came from the other side of the terminal."
"Well come on Michelle no time to waste then."

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