Chapter 1: The Beginning (Oh wow, really)

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"Well MARVELLOUS job there! We had a chance at guild life and you blew it!" ranted May. I groaned. Here we go again...

"I told you! That guy- Ichiya! He was creepy! I refuse to join a guild with a guy like that!" I retorted, hitching my bag back over my shoulder. May sighed. She was my exceed companion, and could get a bit mad some times. Picture a volcano erupting. Times that by ten. That's what I mean by 'a bit'.

"Even a guild with a creepy master is better than none..!" she muttered, narrowing her purple eyes at me. I shrugged. I had given up trying to argue. May was stubborn like that.

The sun was low over the horizon, but the light still illuminated our destination. There was a small village called 'Fenisha Village'. Apparently, the accommodation there was the exceptional. I turned and smiled at May.

"We should be there before the sun completely sets," I said, eager to change the subject. Fortunately, it worked. May flashed one of her smiles, but that quickly turned into an evil grin.

"Race you~" she smirked, then took off again. I shouted in surprise.

"Hey! No fair! You have wings!" I laughed as I ran after the furry exceed. The country-side flashed past, and I could no longer take in the surroundings. May was still way ahead. I could faintly hear her calling back for me to hurry up.

Finally, I stumbled over the top of a hill. May was sitting calmly, playing with some flowers. I flopped down next to her. From here, I could see the entire village. People were walking along happily with their friends and family. Their laughter and voices could be heard even from all the way up here.

"There's no wizard guild here," May said quietly. I nodded.

"I know. We're here to find a place to stay for a couple days."

May glanced at me, then flapped her white wings. She glided gracefully around me as I stood, brushing dirt from my skirt. The wind rippled over the landscape as we made our way down the slope, slipping at some bits, but luckily, we- or to be more accurate- I- didn't fall.

The town looked just as welcoming as it had from atop the hill. The golden glow of lamps gave the town a relaxed feeling. I could tell May approved because her tail was swaying in time to the music being played in the village square. The café's had welcoming scents, and it was hard resisting the urge to go and have a look...
There were a total of three hotels in the village (according to a merry-faced woman with a shopping basket).

"It's getting late. Let's just go in here," I yawned, peering in the door of the smallest hotel. A warm fire crackled in the corner, and a young girl was washing dishes behind the bar.

"Um, hello..." I said as I slipped in. The girl looked up and smiled broadly at me.

"Hi! Are you here to stay for the night?" she asked. I nodded. The girl spun in a happy circle, then ran over to me.

"My grandfather is tending to some other guests, so I'll take you to a spare room!" she beamed. Suddenly, her eyes went wide. "Kitty!"

I burst out laughing as the girl hugged May. May looked highly disgruntled.

"I love cats!" the girl squealed, leading me up the stairs. Behind me, May was grumbling and attempting to smooth her fur. At the top of the stairs, there was a long corridor with about seven doors on each side. The girl took out a small, silver key from out of nowhere and unlocked the first door on the left.

"This is your room. You can have breakfast tomorrow morning downstairs! Enjoy your stay!" the girl said.

"Thanks...!" I replied, patting her head awkwardly. I walked into the room. It had a simple bed, a window, a desk and chair, a clothes cupboard and a bathroom off in a small side room.

"Well, this looks cosy enough," May nodded in approval, floating down to the bed. I smiled at my friend.

"Hey, I'm going to have a shower now, okay? I won't be long!" I said. May nodded and swung both my bag and hers onto the bed. I skipped into the bathroom, and was just about to close the door when a loud 'boom' rocked the hotel. Dust fell from the ceiling. I froze. That's not normal. I heard screams from the street outside. That's definitely not normal.

I stumbled back into the main room. May was already in the air. She tossed my bag to me and we both headed for the window.
After fumbling with the latch, I managed to throw it open.
A blast of cold air whipped past me, carrying the faint smell of ash and smoke. I peered around, and my mouth dropped open.

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