Chapter 3: The Guild of Fairies

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"I'm Natsu, and this is Happy!"

I looked at the salmon-haired boy wearily.

"Introduction time, is it? I'm Skie, and that's May," I replied, pointing at my (currently sulking) exceed partner. Natsu glanced up at May with an amused smile.

"Yeah, she's an exceed, right?" He mused, "That means you're a Dragon Slayer?"

I nodded proudly, "Uh-huh!"

Natsu opened his mouth to say something else, but the golden-haired female interrupted him.

"I'm Lucy, and this is Wendy!" She said, then patted Wendy on the shoulder.

"I'm Gray," was all the other guy said before scowling at the ground like it was his mortal enemy. I smirked.

"Well aren't you just a social butterfly?" I teased. Gray glared at me and I raised my hands innocently.

"Don't start fighting. I'm Erza, by the way," snapped the scarlet-haired lady. Thankfully, while we ha been walking, she had relinquished her iron grip on my top.

"Oh yeah, you ripped my shirt!" I said, spinning around to face Erza. However, the seriousness was ruined when I tripped over a rock. "Hwha?"

Natsu chuckled. "Trust me Skie, you are going to LOVE it back at Fairy Tail!"

"Fairy who now?"

"Fairy Tail!" Wendy piped up happily, "It's our Guild!"

I smiled cluelessly, "Um, okay?"


Natsu was right. It had been two weeks after my arrival at Fairy Tail. So far, I was loving it. Everyone goofed about like one, huge family, and Mirajane Strauss herself had taught me about 'shipping'. She had even made me a member of the NaLu fanclub!

"Alright, brats! Everyone meet back here, at the guild hall in precisely 20 minutes for the S-class Wizard Promotion trial announcements! You will be given all other information then!"

I glanced over at the stage. Master Makarov was strolling into a side room with Erza, who was clutching a bundle of papers.

I wandered over to Mirajane.

"Hey, what's the S-class promotion thingy?" I asked. Mirajane smiled sweetly at me.

"In Fairy Tail, there are normal wizards, like yourself, Natsu, Gray, so on. But there are also S-class wizards. They're one step above the normal wizards! No offense... The S-class wizards of Fairy Tail at the moment are; me, Erza, Laxus and Gildarts!" She paused, "Hmm, I wonder if Gildarts is even coming back for this year's trial...? I must go ask Master! But anyway, the Master chooses certain wizards to compete for the title of S-class!" she reported.

"Gildarts better be coming back..." Cana grumbled from behind me. I chuckled awkwardly, having no idea who this 'Gildarts' even was.

"So, with the trial-" I started. Mirajane cut me off.

"You'll find out the rest in about-" she checked the clock on the wall, "-10 minutes."

I nodded my thanks and started weaving through the mess of tables to try and find May. She was sitting with the other exceeds, Happy, Carla and PantherLily. They were all watching Natsu, Gray, and now Gajeel fight.

"How long have they been fighting this time?" I sighed. Lucy slumped against the table.

"An eternity," came her muffled reply.

"Where's Erza? She could totally stop them!" I asked, looking around the guild hall (and probably looking like a deranged owl). Lisanna slid into the empty seat across from me.

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