Chapter 22: Partying Like Lunatics

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- Later, in a pub... Well, we already know this is going to be chaotic!-


She was prancing around happily, humming as loud as she could and smirking at Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Juvia.

"HELP. ME!" Gray howled. I scooted over to another seat to see Juvia bear-hugging Gray.

"I would help you but... this is too funny!" I snickered.


I double over with laughter.

Master Makarov hoisted himself up onto the bench (and accidentally splashed his drink everywhere in the process).

"NOW WE CELEBRATE TILL THE SUN COMES UP!" The drunk master of Fairy Tail crowed victoriously

"I'M ALL FIRED UP! POPSICLE STRIPPER QUEEN, FIGHT ME!" Natsu hollered, kicking tables and chairs out the way to make a space for the upcoming fight.

Gray bounced up, miraculously free from Juvia's death-grip.

"What did you just call me, Cherry head?! I'm about to wipe to floor with you!" The Ice Mage snarled menacingly.

"Bring it!" Natsu retorted.

Fire and Ice began spurting everywhere (along with Gray's shirt), but the members of Fairy Tail were experts at dodging by now.

I diverted my gaze.

"I really don't need to see that thing stripping," I hissed, jerking my thumb at Gray in disgust.

"Well, boys will be boys..." Erza sighed happily, sliding into the empty seat next to me so she could enjoy her delicious looking cake. I guess she saw my staring at her precious cake, so she pulled it closer.

"Meanie," I poked my tongue out playfully. Erza shrugged.

She was about to enjoy the first bite of creamy deliciousness when Natsu and Gray flew out of nowhere (still fighting) and smashed into our table.

Erza's cake went flying. I wriggled out from under my broken chair as fast as I could and crawled over to Natsu and Gray, who were wrestling.

"Aaaaaand, I'm gonna go stand over there to avoid Erza when she starts killing you two..." I whispered to the two boys, "I'll prepare your funerals."

Natsu and Gray both shot me a confused look as I backed away, which morphed quickly into terror as they turned around to see Erza death-glaring them.

Natsu and Gray scrambled up and ran, the furious Titania hot on their heels.

"We're going to have to pay for the damage, aren't we?" Kinana sighed.

"Yeah, probably," I replied.

"Just make those three idiots pay for it..." muttered Lucy.

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME AN IDIOT?!" Erza bellowed from behind us.

I let out a 'Kya!' of surprise and Kinana darted behind me.

"You're my human meat-shield!" she whispered.

Lucy, on the other hand was now sprinting around through the shattered tables and chairs in her attempt to escape Erza.

"Poor Lucy-san!" Wendy smiled awkwardly  as she walked past on her way over to talk to Mirajane.

Since all the chairs were smashed, I decided to sit up on a table next to Cana, and the new mage (whose name I had learned was 'Daisuke').

"Yo, what's up?" I asked calmly. Cana started snoring. Apparently she could sleep while sitting upright. Go figure.

"I'd forgotten how chaotic things get when this guild celebrates...!" Daisuke sighed, smiling awkwardly around at the utter chaos.

I ducked to avoid a plastic cup, "The owners of this place are so gonna kill us."

"That's only if they can catch us..." Daisuke grinned slyly. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"THIS IS INSANE!" May suddenly yelled, right in my ear. I flinched, but let the female exceed float down to sit on my lap all the same.

"So... what's all this I hear about you and PantherLily having a thing for each other?" I crowed, poking May's fluffy head gently. May's face disappeared in a mega-blush.

Who knew flying cats could blush! Interesting!

"I, wha? But- we- Uhh, shut up! You and Rogue totally like each other!"

Now it was my turn to blush.

Daisuke leaned forward, smirking, "Oh ho~ Do tell me about this!"

May's furry face lapsed into an even cheekier grin, "I do happen to be an expert in this area!"

"You... Suck..." I moaned into my hands.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy, Skie, haha! You look- *hiccup* you look like, your head looks like a *hiccup*, hahaha, tomato!" Cana giggled, waving around an empty bottle like it was a flag.
May, Daisuke and I turned around to stare at Cana.

"When did you wake up...?" I asked shrewdly.

"When the multicoloured toadstool-head cockatoos in the Tim Tam volcano told me to," The card mage nodded wisely.

"You're still totally drunk," May deadpanned. Daisuke snorted. I face-palmed.

So, there was another glimpse of Daisuke (Ethan_Herlock )'s OC!
I hope you liked it!

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