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~A/N: Picture of Deuce Whitlock~

It was nighttime and the screams echoed through the village. The pained cries had cut her in the heart as she desperately ran to find her family. She was lost. And as she neared her best friend, Sofia, who was curled up into a ball on the floor, crying her little heart out, was when her insides had torn apart. They were both only six years old when the attack happened. It left Sofia, her brother and her father in a devastating position. Even at the tender age of six, Lyda knew that nothing was going to ever be the same. She remembered her parents telling her older brother Nikolai about an attack that happened when they were younger. The way they had described it, dead bodies of both wolves and human forms littered the ground, the windows of houses smashed, the begging and crying of women and children, and the blood that had coated the Moonstone Pack village. It was exactly the same as what was happening now. In the corner of Lyda's eyes, she saw Sofia's brother, Deuce run towards her. He gripped his sister and held onto her for dear life, shielding her eyes away from the scene, the scene of their own mother.

Suddenly it was like what Lyda had pictured when her father told Nikolai about what had happened. "The Luna was dead," he'd said. "Lying in her own blood and guts." And no one could describe the scene in front of her then the way her dad did when it happened a long time before now. The Luna, Deuce and Sofia's own mother, lying in her own blood and guts.

"Rogues! Rogues!" Lyda heard someone in her pack yell out. She looked around and saw fathers embracing their children, men hugging onto their mates and mothers crying in the arms of their sons. It was then that Lyda realised, while watching Deuce embrace his little sister, that she was all alone, and that her only company was the cold, the smell of death, the screams of terror and the shredded body of her Luna-

She awoke with a jolt. Her dreams had been getting worse over the past few weeks. They had started getting bad when she found out that she was going back home. For some reason, it had sparked her memories if that night. She looked around the plane and sighed. She wasn't happy to be going back home, sure she missed her family and her friends, but she built a life here in America. A new life. Now she had to return to her old life, something she was not very pleased about. Three years ago, when she was fourteen, she had suffered from abandonment issues. Her parents had shipped her off to the other side of the world with a reason she didn't know. And now she was forced to come back. Lyda's life in New Zealand was boring. No one really took notice of her. She was just known as two things. The Beta's daughter or the Alpha's daughter's friend. That's it. She was never special and she thought she never fit in with her old pack. But when she moved to America, she had the chance to have a new life, start over. She had fit in well and was never compared to her friends because they were so different to each other that they balanced out. Cadrian Harmer was pretty much the school Barbie, just minus the bitchiness and the fake. Stacy Rivers was, in a way the school bad ass, but nicer and Lyda was the girl they all loved. They were all friendly with her the minute she stepped into the American school. It was the first time she felt that she had belonged some where.

She was devastated when she had to leave. But she was more devastated when she had to leave Alpha James Walker. He was twenty one when she met him. She always had a crush on him. And finally, when she turned sixteen he had asked her out. She had never been so happy in her life.

One year. They had only been together for a year, and she broke up with him because she was leaving. She had never cried so much in her life. She loved James so much that the very thought of leaving him broke her heart.

So imagine her when she actually did leave him.

She still remembered the night they first kissed. He was her first kiss, and it was more than she could ever imagine.


It was a warm night as she walked through the forest. The only light she had was the light of the moon poking through the leaves of trees. The sound of leaves crunching beneath her feet and the rustling of the leaves against the wind surrounded her. The grass was soft underneath her bare feet and she sighed in content. There was something about a forest in the night that compelled her.

"You shouldn't be out here by yourself, you know." A deep voice spoke behind her and she sighed in pleasure. She turned around to see Alpha James standing a meters behind her.

"A-Alpha Walker." She said. She wasn't expecting to find him out here in the forest so late at night.

"You should be more careful out her, Lyda. The forest is home of very dangerous animals." He warned her.

"Like us?" She asked and he rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean." He said as he took a few steps closer to her. She gulped at the sudden closeness now between them and took a step back. "Lyda, you're a pretty girl. It's dangerous to be out here so late." He said. She knew he was just being worried about her because she was in his pack, but she couldn't help but feel a bit giddy when he said that she was pretty.

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked softly, staring up in his eyes. He was a tall man. Lyda was a tall girl, but standing next to him made her feel 5ft 2". He chuckled walking closer to her. Panicking because no man has really ever given her this much attention, she backed up until her back hit the tree. That didn't stop him though. He kept walking towards her until she could feel his warm breath against her lips.

"I think your gorgeous." He replied huskily. And with that, he brought his lips down to hers.


Lyda remembered it feeling so amazing. She was so surprised how this hot, rough looking man had such soft lips.

She was pissed. She loved James so much and then to leave him without any explanation? Oh yeah, she was irritated and angry with her parents. How could they do this to her? She growled lowly in her head.

She will find out why they shipped her away then forced her back. Even if it was the last thing she did.

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