Moondust ~ 21 Friday (1/3)

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**...Sorry about the long wait guys, been busy with exams, but here is part 21, yay! So to make up for that, here is an extra long chapter :)
Sorry for any gramma mistakes and hopefully, the second part of this chapter will be done by tomorrow, but you never know since I have my other story to take care of. I do have another exam, like two more, so tomorrow and Friday are literally my last days of freedom. So keep your fingers crossed ;)...**

It was Sammie's sixteenth birthday ball, and Lyda really didn't want to go. She wasn't in any mood to deal with those who were going to question James' absence. But she knew it was the right thing to do. So that's why she was already wearing her dress. It was a beautiful dress that had reach down to the floor in a shiny silver material. The dress was strapless and showed more cleavage than Lyda expected. But the dress was too good for her to change. It felt so smooth and soft around her, it made her feel pretty, which was something she was lacking.
Just yesterday, James had every intention of proposing to her, and she had every intention of breakfast Ng up the only man she had ever loved. So yes, she was feeling extremely shitty. And now, Lyda had to a ball without him, and probably be forced to dance with Deuce.
Oh, Lyda was so mad at him that even thinking of his name sent into a white-hot rage. He had absolutely no right to keep such a secret from Lyda. They were both mates, which meant they shared a bond together. It was not like she was going to reject him, that would be cruel. No, they would be mates, but noway in hell he ever going to mark her. She needed time, a lot of time, to think about her like life with Deuce. Lyda knew that it was the right thing to be with him, buy... she didn't want that. And she didn't think she'd ever want that. Because no matter what, her heart would belong to James, even though it was supposed to be Deuce's.


When they arrived, Lyda was astounded by the amount of work people had put into this ball. They had followed the theme of black and silver, though no one was allowed to wear those colours. Well no one was supposed those two colours on the same dress, except for Sammie. Lyda couldn't wait to see Sammie again, she couldn't wait to see how much she had changed in three years.
Kol and Lyda walked into the hall together. He didn't have a date, though she knew for sure that many of these women would've have died if he asked them. Lyda did ask him why he didn't bring a date, and had just shrugged at her, saying "Forgot." She scoffed. Yeah, like he could forget to bring a hot date.
"Lyda!" A loud high pitch squeak called out to her and Lyda ripped her attention of Kol, whom had muttered subtly under his breath, "Jesus." And of course, she hit him. He mumbled something incoherent before walking away. Brothers, Lyda thought.
"Hi, Peace." Lyda breathed. It was a shock to her. It was the first time Lyda had spoken to someone other Deuce after her break up and instantly, her voice sounded stressed and tired. And she was tired.
Tired of life.
And Peace wasn't making Lyda feel any better because she was just this bright, smart, innocent person whom Lyda really wanted to hit, because she was just too good to be true. Gorgeous and radiant skin, healthy hair, skinny waist but a curvy figure, a tall and confidant demeanour. Peace was everything every women wanted to be. And it wasn't just Peace who looked amazing, it was all of her friends. And now, Lyda again, started feeling like her insecure, 13 year old self again.
It was hard having friends who were so good looking, and it was even worse having friends who knew they were good looking. And even though Lyda was wearing a beautiful dress, standing next to Peace made her feel the opposite. "I really like your dress, it's like the best one here." Peace complemented her and Lyda looked at her like she had grown three heads. Her dress was nothing compared to Peace's. That dress was beautiful, just like her. It was a lime green colour that, like every other dress here, touched the ground. But hers had I little train. It was tight around Peace's waist, emphasising her... chest size and showing everyone how skinny she was.
"Your dress is better, trust me." Lyda mumbled, not looking at Peace in the eye. She heard the annoyed, irritated sigh come out of Peace's mouth and Lyda glanced at her, seeing her stern face.
"You know it really pisses me off when you're like that?" She snapped. Lyda's eyes went wide. Peace never snaps. Never. She's a good, happy person who didn't even know what anger was. And never had she ever heard the word 'piss' come out of her mouth. Yet here she was, staring down at Lyda as if she was the reason to cause the world's explosion.
"Like what?"
"Insecure." And Peace said it roughly- harsh almost. Lyda couldn't see why that was a bother to some people. And judging by Peace's sigh, that was obvious on her face. "You are such a pretty girl, Lyda," Peace moved forward, bending her back a little, getting closer to Lyda. "You have a great body, great hair, great eyes, great skin... need I go on?" She asked and Lyda shook her head, still not believing that this beautiful girl, was telling her that she was pretty. "Look, what I'm trying to say is... is that you are gorgeous! Plus," she said as she straightened up. "You kinda' have to be gorgeous."
Okay, now that really doesn't sound like something Peace would say.
"Um..." Lyda trailed off awkwardly. She had no idea what to say to something like that. I have to be gorgeous?
"Yeah," Peace shrugged. "All the Lunas are gorgeous, its in their blood."
Lyda froze.
"It's in their blood to be-"
"I know what you said!" Lyda growled. "But how did you know?"
Again, she shrugged. "Well, you weren't here with James, and I knew you two were in love, and only the bond between mates could break up a love so strong." Peace smirked at her, though that was not what Lyda wanted to know. And hearing Peace say that, hurt. It brought up the memories of the events that had happened yesterday, and that was something Lyda did not want.
"But how did you know that Deuce and I were mates?" Lyda pressed.
"Everybody knows."
"Everybody?" Lyda asked, suddenly feeling very sick in her stomach. Peace nodded her head and Lyda felt very faint for that moment. Everybody knows? She looked back at brother Kol, who was in a deep conversation with Dane, Zena's brother. Oh god they all knew. Lyda felt like she had to leave. She mumbled a small good bye as she stumbled her way to the bathrooms to get some air before walking back into the place full of people who knew. Lyda was not comfortable anymore. She felt as though everyone had been staring at her, judging her. It has been a millennium since the Moonstone had a Luna. And now they do. She had a bad feeling that they were all thinking bad of her, thinking that she didn't want to be Luna. That she didn't want to be Deuce's mate.
Once she made it into the bathroom, she finally like she could breathe. Lyda placed her hands on either side of one of the basins and let out a long, deep, disheartened breath.
"Well, well," a breathy, feminine voice spoke behind her. "If it isn't the alpha's little toy." Lyda whipped her head around to see the one person she didn't think she would see here. And here she was, wearing her black 'fuck me' leather boots and black, skin tight halter dress. There was a gap where her breasts were, showing everyone a very generous amount of cleavage. And she looked at Lyda with a look that said she out to kill her. "Did he get tired of you already?" Jessica Wright asked with fake concern on her face. Her blood red lips pouted at Lyda and she slowly walked to her, Jessica's heels clicking painfully against the marvel floor.
"I-I don't what you're t-talking about." Lyda stuttered. She straightened up her spin and lifted her chin, trying to not look so damn weak. Jessica laughed at her as she stopped right in front of Lyda.
"Oh, of course he left you," she smiled sweetly. It was too sweet, almost sickly. "You're nothing but a little girl compared to me."
"You don't know anything." Lyda snapped at her. Jessica really didn't. She had to be the only who didn't know that Lyda was Deuce's mate. She didn't know that Lyda and Deuce shared a bed together. She didn't know anything. Jessica's smile just dropped and scowled at her.
"Oh I do know," she snarled. "I know that you are nothing. You'd never be good enough for him! Only me! You're too short, you're too fat, you don't even have any breasts. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a boy. You're ugly, your eyes look like shit that comes out of my fine ass. You don't even have an ass. You're a child!" She screeched. "And if you think for one second that your unattractive self could satisfy him, then you're wrong." Jessica leaned in to whisper in Lyda's ear. "You're just a whore who sleeps around with Alphas. He would never want a whore." And with that, she whipped her body around and stalked out of the bathroom, leaving Lyda in there by herself.
"Brad!" Sofia giggled as Brad, her boyfriend grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him. He nuzzled his nose into her neck, his breathing tickling her even more.
"No." He protested selfishly, sounding like a little boy who was too stubborn, making Sofia laugh even more.
"Brad, let go. I have to go to the bathroom." Sofia groaned as she tried to wiggle out of his arms. After a moment of hesitation, he let her go.
"Hurry back," he winked at her and Sofia just rolled her eyes.
Bradley Stewart was the perfect boyfriend. Smart, kind, gentle, rough and incredibly sexy. And he was all hers. Going to Sammie's birthday party together was a huge step for them. They always had to date in secret because she knew that her brother wouldn't approve of their relationship. But now, after hours of hours of complaining, fighting, crying, she was now convinced that this was a good thing for them.
Her relationship with Brad was phenomenal. He was everything she could have dreamed and more. With his flawless skin, dark brown eyes, prominent cheek bones, a well defined jaw line and beautiful light brown hair. And he had a tall and lean figure, one that was totally worth all the drool.
All thoughts of her hot boyfriend disappeared out from her head as she passed a very angry (and slutty) looking Jessica Wright. Good God, what is she wearing? It's so... little, Sofia thought. What did my brother ever see in her? Resisting the urge to flip her off, Sofia put on a wide, fake smile as the sluts of all sluts approached her.
"Sofia, hi!" She greeted her with a big smile, which Sofia awkwardly returned. "You look so different now, I bet you're breaking all those hearts out there, huh?" She giggled. No, but I've become accustomed to breaking all those sluts, was what she wanted to say. But Sofia was raised with manners. And she knew that it was rude to say things like that to people... which was why you say them behind their backs.
"Haha, yeah..." Sofia trailed off. Leave, you bitch! But Jessica did the opposite.
"So is your brother here?" She asked, getting straight to the point. I should've known.
"Um, I'm not sure... I don't think so. He's um, going through a rough patch at the moment." Sofia chewed her bottom lip, hoping that she said the right thing. All niceness in Jessica faded almost completely as she heard that.
"Great," she mumbled sarcastically. "What's the fucking point in coming here?" She spoke to herself. And before Sofia could stop herself, she spoke.
"To celebrate the birthday of your fellow pack member?" Sofia asked in 'are-you-dumb-or-something?' tone and Jessica narrowed her eyes at her, her evil side starting to come out. Oh shit. "Well, it was lovely chatting with you, but I have to go now!" Sofia said quickly before slipping into the bathroom. Jesus, she thought. I feel sorry for whoever ends up as her mate. As Sofia walks in, she notices a girl in a beautiful dress, hunched over the basin, crying her eyes out and it takes a few seconds to realise who that girl is. "Lyda?" She gasps, horrified by the scene in front of her. A scene of the most beautiful girl crying. Sofia rushes over to help her, but as soon as touches her, Lyda wrenches out of Sofia's grasp. "Lyda, what the hell is the matter with you?" But by the way Lyda states into Sofia's eyes, all that anger blazing in them, Sofia figured it out. She knows...
And by her murderous glare, she knows more than she should.

**...Eh, sorry about the mistakes. I kinda rushed this one :)...**

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