Moondust ~ 19 (Thurday 2/3)

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~A/N: Okay I'll admit, I wasn't really expecting this chapter to be this small. Oh well! More writing in the next chappie then!~

Before he could notice her, she ran. She ran to the tree where she kept her clothes and shifted back into her human form. Lyda was still trying to make sense of everything that had happened. Deuce was her mate?... Deuce was her mate! And instead of feeling a bond of eternal, unconditional love for him, all she could feel was betrayal and anger. Why would he keep something like that to himself? She ran through the forest, the faster she was the faster she'll be out of here! She suddenly flash backed to all those moments where she thought he was playing with her, like sitting with Jessica at that restaurant. He didn't want her, he never wanted her, Lyda realised. She felt tears well in her eyes, but suddenly her body collided into the hard body of her mate's. She knew it was her mate because of the pleasurable tingles shooting around in her body. No! No no no no! She didn't want to be anywhere near him. He was like the plague, avoiding him was the best option for her. But when Lyda looked up at his face from the ground, which she had fallen to, it was like every emotion she had ever felt with him came rushing back and hit her right in the face. Dear god he was beautiful. With his black hair, soft as velvet and his dark brown eyes full of mystery and wonder, she couldn't stop staring. No matter how much she wanted to stop.

He staring down at her, holding out his hand for her to take but she just stared at it. "Lyda-" He started but she cut in.

"You don't want me." It wasn't a question. Deuce had winced at the statement like it was a weapon that Lyda used to hurt him. He looked down at her, even when she got up. Lyda could feel the high authority of her Alpha.

"Of course I want you!" He exclaimed. Lyda didn't look at him. Why should believe him. He had kept the biggest thing in the Werewolf community from her! "You're perfect, you're everything I had ever want-"

Lyda slapped him.

Deuce looked at her, completely and utterly dumbfounded. He caressed the check that had started to turn red, but said nothing. She was sick and tired of all his lies. "Shut up," she said, it was his turn to listen. Deuce still hadn't gotten it. He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "Shut up!" Lyda screamed, pouring out her anger in those two little words. "I don't want to hear your excuses," she stared, more calmly. "All I want to know is, why did you keep this from me?" Instead of answering, he just shook his stupid, beautiful head. His black locks swishing in every direction, and it was like he did it slowly. For a moment she was hypnotised by his luscious black hair. Only for a moment.

"You weren't ready for it when I first found out." Was all he said. Lyda waited a few seconds just in case he had to say more, but he didn't.

"That's it?" He said nothing, still. It had come to the point in Lyda's life were she just couldn't give a shit anymore. "Fine." Was all she said. She had turned around and headed back into the forest, knowing that Deuce was watching her. It should of made her feel better, to know that Deuce seeing Lyda walk away from his was extremely painful, but it didn't. Deep down she knew that if the positions were swapped, she'd be the one feeling the pain. And Lyda didn't think she could go through anymore pain.

Lyda looked up at the sky and noticed that it had already started to get dark.

Shit, she thought. Time to find James.

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