Moondust ~ 25

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It was when I was sleeping in my bed, by myself, that the nightmares started to happen. It had been ages since I felt the dread and the shakes fear come upon my body as I dreamt of the horrors.

The horrors of my Luna dying when I was young. The horror of seeing her body, ripped and shredded. The horrors that was on Sofia's face when she saw her mother.

It was a day I wanted to forget. But no matter how hard I tried, it was going to say with me.

Tonight I had the dream again, but this time it wasn't of me witnessing Luna's death. It was the wolf. The grey wolf with golden eyes, standing above me as I coward away from him, closing my eyes and waiting for him to attack me.

But he never did.

He had nuzzled his snout in to my neck, and breathed in. And it was like he enjoyed the smell of me, because, instead of growling, he made a purring sound. Which still scared the daylights out of me, as I was a young girl. But as I thought of it now, I found it weird he did that. He was almost... gentle. And Rogues were known for not being gentle.
Did it freak me out?


But I was confused, freaked and... and! God, I didn't even know. I was clueless and I was scared, was that enough? I remember the feeling he gave me. It was... odd. I couldn't put my figure on it. But it bugged me.

Much like that man I saw in the mall the other.

I clenched my covers beneath me as I found it hard to swallow my saliva. No, I thought. It can't be, its impossible.

But was it really? I threw my covers over my body and stumbled out of my bed. I felt like I was suffocating in my own room. I needed to be outside. I felt out and sweaty, my body was shaking and I found it hard to breath. I clutched at my chest as I staggered down the stairs, trying hard not to wake Kol up. I made my outside and I took a deep breath. I felt all the weight lift from my shoulder as I stood outside in the rain.

But it didn't bother me. For some reason I felt serene, out in the open. Like I was meant to be this way. Like I was meant to be out in the open, and not having any troubles of packs piling on me. And it didn't even faze me, that I was talking like a Rogue. I was too satisfied, too relaxed with my surroundings.

And that's when I heard it. The howl of a wolf, a Rogue wolf. It sounded close, but not too close to be on our border. And it was like I was hypnotised, too. I had the strangest urge to go to the Rogue. It was an unusual thing for me to do. Because I knew what I was doing, and I knew I should turn around. Heck, I even wanted to go back home.

But I couldn't. It was like I was in a daze. But I thinking clearly, I knew exactly what I was doing: I was walking out of my border.

If a wolf does not have permission from their Alpha to leave their pack, but still leaves, they officially become a Rogue.

And I didn't have permission. I tried to stop myself, but my legs had decided to stop listening to me. All I could feel was dread. Dread as I walked closer and closer to the border.

The clearing up ahead became easy to make out an I could see Dave, Zena's older brother. He must be patrolling tonight. I tried to make myself yell, so I could catch his attention. But as I opened my mouth, not a sound came out. But I was lucky that I was heading straight toward him.

"Lyda?" Dave called out, he was confused. Who wouldn't be? He was supposed to patrolling to make sure there was no disturbance in our border, and here I was, creating a disturbance. I wanted to cry, I wanted to yell, I wanted to die. I was scared because I didn't have control over myself anymore. Someone else did. Someone had to be making her act this way.
But how?

"Lyda!" Dave shouted as I walked right past him. I wanted to look at him, but I didn't. I couldn't. "Lyda, stop! Where are you going?" Help me, I begged silently, wishing I could say it. Help me, Dave, help me! I roared on the inside. I could hear him running up to me, I could hear him yelling at me stop. And I wanted to. I just couldn't.

And then, it all happened so quickly. I felt someone ram into my side as I painfully fell to the ground. And this time, I yelled in pain. It was like that one sharp motion, shocked me back to where I was. And I had control again.

But I was in pain. There was a searing, burning feeling running down my side, the side where I fell to the ground. I didn't know what to do about it, so clutched it, my body writhing on the ground as gasped at the pain in my side. "Stop," I yelled. "Make it stop!" Then I felt a hand cover my mouth as someone whispered "shhh" into my ear. Then I felt hands wrap around my neck.

There was a cracking sound. Pain. And then there was nothing.

Sorry! I know it's short, but what did you guys think of the whole writing in 1st person?
I hoped I did it good :) but still, tell me what you think about it. The criticism really helps!!!!

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