Moondust ~ 20 (Thursday 3/3)

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Yay! Last part of Thursday! Wonder what's going to happen...? Lol I actually don't know, I make it up as I write it. Like I do have a plan, like with what happens at the start, in the middle and at the end, but I don't know what to do between those parts so I just literally make some shit up.

P.S: Shit guys, I'm so sorry about the late update! The thing is, my work just got deleted and I went through a "fuck this!" faze and I just didn't touch this story at all, instead I've been updating my other story because I was so annoyed about what happened that I just didn't want to deal with it, and I had written so much too! But this is a really long chapter, so hopefully it makes up for the really long hold :)

Oh yeah, and I rushed this chapter a lot. I just wanted to be done with it already.


Each step Lyda took away from him was like a stab in her heart. How could I have been so stupid? She remembered all those time she had spent with Deuce, all those time where she couldn't explain the strong feelings she had towards him. But now she could. Of course he was my mate, it makes so much sense! But she wasn't nearly as happy as all the other she-wolves that find their mates- no, she was pissed. He never told her, and she confronted him, he said: "You weren't ready for it." Like hell she wasn't. And now, because Deuce didn't tell her that they were mates from the beginning, Lyda had to do the one thing she didn't want to do. She had to break James' heart.

Finding him wasn't difficult, they had spent lots of time together at the lake. James once told her that the Lake was their special place, where they could love each other, where they could hold each other and where they could be alone together. Never had she thought that this was the place she would end things with the man she loved. And then she saw him. And for some reason, Lyda didn't feel how she always felt with him. Seeing him prepare for their last night in the most romantic place in the pack didn't flutter her heart. No, but knowing that this was the last time she may ever see James made her hear beat fast. He didn't see her, she wasn't sure she wanted to be seen. But James finally turned around, and when his eyes met Lyda's, he froze. "Lyda?" He asked.

"Hi James." Was all Lyda could get out. She noticed that he was wearing a tux and felt tears form in her eyes. She knew how much James hated wearing them, and the fact that he wore them now, on their last night, made her want to cry. But she swallowed those feelings down.

"Y-you're early." James' expression looked he'd been caught red-handed with something Lyda was not supposed to see. She walked closer to him, every step she took closer to James made her want to run into his arms. She didn't want to do this to him, for all she knew, this would be exactly like when his mate rejected him. Lyda felt bad for him, so bad that she just didn't want to do this, because he so didn't deserve this. James was the world's greatest boyfriend.

When she got closer to him, she couldn't stop herself. One lonely tear slipped out of her eye and down her cheek. And James saw it, he always saw it. His thumb gently wiped the rear away and frowned. "Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm so sorry." She sobbed into his hand. He looked down at her, furrowing his eyes in confusion. But then he wrapped his arms around her body and it felt like Lyda's heart was about to burst open. All those time we spent together are nothing now, she said to herself. This is something you need to do.

"Hey," he said softly, as he gently brushed his hand on her hair. "It's okay that your early, really." Lyda broke away from his embrace and her head fell shamefully between her shoulders. It was a sad day for both of them, yet James didn't even know it. But she knew.

"I need to tell you something," Lyda said, still not looking at him. "Something important," this time she raised her eyes to meet his dark ones. "But it's too hard." She raised her palm and caressed his cheek as gently, and warmly she could.

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