Moondust ~ 14

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~A/N: Picture of Alpha James Walker~

"I love you, you know that?" James told Lyda as she set up all the good on the picnic blanket. Her and James always used to go on picnics after having sex... it was sort of a tradition, and she liked it very much. And, to be honest, she couldn't remember the amount of times they had sex on their picnic date.

She let out a chuckle and then winked at him. "Just a few." She replied cheekily.

"Then I should make it my goal to tell you more." He promised and she shook her head at him.

"James, you say it enough! Now please stop talking and open your mouth so I can shove my food in it!" She ordered and he obeyed. She tore off a piece of her homemade croissant and placed it gently in his mouth.

"Mhmm," he said as he chewed and swallowed. "I missed your cooking."

"I know you did, I'm the best at this kind of stuff." She told him as she tore off another piece and placed it in her mouth. The whole time she did this, James had not taken his eyes off her. "What is it?" She asked as she wiped her hand across her mouth. Did she have something on her face?

"Nothing, it's just..." He trailed off, unable to finish and this caught Lyda's attention.

"James, what is it?" She repeated, except this time it was because she was worried, not because she thought she had something on her face.

"I just can't believe I let you go." He spoke softly and Lyda smiled sadly at him.

"There was nothing you could've done. I was sent away for some unknown reason that is still unknown to me, but I feel as though everyone around me already knows." She sighed into her hands. James started to slowly rub her shoulders.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm about as clueless as you." He piped and Lyda smiled at him. James may have been the big, scary Alpha, but there were times like these where he was so adorable. She climbed on top of him and leaned down to kiss him on the lips. It was meant to be a small peck, but James grabbed her head and pulled her down for another kiss, a longer, hungrier kiss.

"Seeing you do unhappy makes me restless." He whispered against her lips. "I wish there was something I could do." Lyda smiled joylessly at her American boyfriend.

"There's nothing you can do," She said. "Just let it go, maybe I'll find out someday."


"Where is he?" Kol demanded as he immediately crossed the threshold once Sofia had opened the door.

"I don't know! One minute we were talking about Lyda and her ex-boyfriend-slash-her-now-new-boyfriend-once-again, and then the next, he just bolted out the door!" Sofia explained and Kol just blinked at her. Yes, he was well aware that Sofia was smart girl... but this was just ridiculous.

"Okay Sofia, I'm going to stop you there." Kol said seriously and Sofia glared at him.

"I know I shouldn't have told him but he's my brother," she said. "He deserves to know if the woman he loves is romantically involved with someone else!"

This wasn't good, Kol thought. This really wasn't good. Deuce was his best friend, and though he did agree with Sofia, it was stupid for her to mention the relationship after had technically been shut down. Kol knew that he would've been outrage by the sight of his mate with another. But that led the question no one knew the answer to, would this have put Deuce's wolf in control of his body? If so, how long did they have to stop Deuce from doing the one thing that could make Lyda hate him for the rest of his and her's life?

"Sofia, we need to find him! He could be anywhere, and I will not risk the safety of this pack to 'let Deuce have time to think'," Kol ordered. "Do you wanna know what he might be thinking?" He asked Sofia and though she never replied, he continued to speak. "He might be thinking about how many ways he could rip open that other Alpha and how he would mark my sister against her will!"

"Kol, listen-"

"No, you listen," he interrupted her. "I am in charge of the pack until Deuce is found. What I say, goes." Kol's voice was dripping with authority at that moment and he loved. Sofia lifted her head and her eyes met his.

"Okay Beta Kol," Sofia sighed in defeat. "What do you need me to do?"

Kol grinned at her. That's more how I like it, he didn't almost said. "Round up as many search teams that you can," he ordered. "I believe that this is going to take us a long time."


Their pack was falling apart and he loved it. Their Alpha was suffering from a broken heart and their Beta was in charge. It was a shame that the Beta was actually good at his job. Things would've turned out brilliantly if he was everything like his father.

He almost felt bad for his poor Lyda. To have her come from such a lousy male influence must've been a heard thing to cope with.

Never mind that, he thought. Yes, all that was left to do now was to take care of the other Alpha that Lyda had wrapped around her delicate, little finger.

Lyda was playing with him, trying to make him jealous with all these Alpha's. But after they're all dead, she can finally be with him, with the man she was truly meant for.

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