My Top 10 Phantoms

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 Here it is, all of my favorite Phantoms. There are a lot of actors out there who have played the Phantom, but today I'm going to tell you about my own favorites.

1. Michael Crawford: I liked Michael the very first time I ever heard him sing. Now that I've gotten older and gotten to understand the Phantom's character better, I feel like he really was one of the best, if not the best. He has that high voice the character originally had, and he gave the character that haunting and ghostly persona he should have, and that is why he's my favorite.

2. Mikael Samuelson: Mikael Samuelson was the Phantom of the original Swedish cast. He has a beautiful singing voice, and his 'Music of the Night' had me absolutely mesmerized. I love listening to him sing, despite not speaking Swedish, and he quickly became my second favorite.

3. Henk Poort: Henk was the first Dutch Phantom, and he was another one I liked the first time I heard him. His voice was loud and booming in the title song, but then it was more soft and tender in 'Music of the Night' and 'Point of No Return', and I liked that about him.

4. Hugh Panaro: If you're not acquainted with Hugh Panaro's Phantom, I suggest you look him up, because I think he's one of the best there is. His Phantom was actually kind of creepy, and I think he brought out the character's more psychotic side. With that and being such a great singer, he became a fast favorite.

5. Alexander Goebel: Alexander Goebel was the Phantom of the original Austrian cast. He also had that high tenor voice, and his Phantom was another one that kind of scary and crazy, and I thought that was cool.

6. Peter Joback: My other Swedish Phantom, Peter performed as the Phantom in London and on Broadway, which I don't think many have gotten the chance to do. Some people don't seem to like him much, but to me he's one of the greats.

7. Gardar Thor Cortes: Gardar has played the Phantom in the Hamburg production of Love Never Dies as well as the US tour. I don't think he's ever played the character in the original 'Phantom', but he's definitely my favorite LND Phantom. I just really like the guy.

8. Anthony Warlow: I haven't listened to Anthony that much, but I really like his voice, and I think he made a great Phantom.

9. Norm Lewis: This guy is seriously a great Phantom. I don't usually go for baritone Phantoms, but Norm's singing and acting were great enough that I had to put him in my top ten.

10. Sandor Sasvari: I feel like this guy is seriously underrated. For those who don't know, he was the Phantom in the Original Hungarian Cast. He has a voice that I think fits the character perfectly.

So, that was my top ten. BUT here are some others I like, as honorable mentions:

Gerard Butler
John Owen-Jones
Ivan Ozhogin
Tomas Ambt Kofod
Bo Kristian Jensen
Robert Guillame
Andrey Schkoldychenko

 If there are any others, they're not listed anywhere here because I either didn't like them or I've never heard them before.

 Feel free to comment on your own favorites. Hopefully, we have one or two in common! 

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