Chapter 4

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I took a sip of my wine, letting the taste linger in my mouth before swallowing it.

If it were up to me, I would've just drank out of the bottle instead of acting all proper, slowly drinking the glass of wine.

"So, I'm sure your mother discussed our agreement with you?" Christian asks, taking a drink of his glass.

We had all ordered. The food here was delicious so far, yet he didn't even seem to be touching his plate of steak and mashed potatoes.

I found it weird. Did he just not eat?

"Uh, kinda." I shrug. He nods. "I've told her the basics of it." My mom says. "Well we're hoping to have the wedding before next year. We'll probably have a pretty decent size engagement party to announce our engagement." He says. I nod, feeling uncomfortable.

My mom was going to marry the hottest guy I'd ever seen.

Although it'd be a scam marriage, it was still a marriage nonetheless.

"Okay, well whatever your plans our, I'll be fine with." I shrug, taking in a deep breath. "Just let me know what, when and where I need to be." He nods. "And I'm a big girl, so whatever your guy's business is, it's your business, I don't need to know it." I was hoping I was making my point clear.

Which was that I didn't want anything to do with this. I'll show up to events and shit but I didn't want to be in public's eyes as they so made it clear to me that most of the time, we would be.

"Excuse me, I need to go to ladies room." My mother says, standing up and sitting her cloth napkin on the table.

She walks out, leaving me alone with this- well hot guy.

"I want to make it clear to you that what your mother and I are doing, is strictly business." He say. I nod, taking the last gulp of my wine.

"I have a few question about this arrangement, if you're willing to answer." I wanted to hurry and ask him before my mother came back. "I'm all ears." I watch as he grabbed the wine bottle and filled up my glass for me. "Thank you." I murmur.

"My first question is why my mom? Why not someone younger?" He smiles knowingly, as if it were a question he expected.

"Well your mother wants something in return. Something that if she did try and somehow sabotage me, I can use it against her. Although don't get me wrong, I don't believe she'd do such a thing." I nod, taking a sip of my wine.

"Is there a reason why you don't just find a women you actually want to marry?" I ask, laughing a little. How hard would that be.

"It's not easy to find a truthful women in this day and age," he leans back, grabbing his glass of scotch that I hadn't even realized he had.

"Besides who has time for relationships anymore?" I nod. I couldn't agree with that, but he was probably just a very busy business man.

"You look nothing like your mother," He points out suddenly. I arch my eyebrow, looking at him. He was staring down at his glass.

"Don't take this in the wrong way but-" He looks up at me suddenly, a look in his eyes I couldn't read. But they were dark, it was- breath taking.

"I've never seen a women so- beautiful." I froze. My heart pounding hard against my chest. I wasn't sure how to respond, wasn't sure how to even speak. My voice seemed to be lodged in my throat.

I starred at him, debating whether to say thanks or not, or somehow be offended for some reason?

The whole time he stared back at me with what looked like confidence.

"Sorry for that I got a call from my boss on the way back to the table." My mom suddenly walks in, taking a seat back on her chair.

"No problem. Zaina and I were just talking." he smiles at her reassuringly. "Good. I'm glad we can all get along." She smiles at him with a flirtatious smile.

I had no doubt that my mom found him attractive. I mean your have to be blind not to!


I sat in the car on the way back home, silent. I had no real words for my mom. I was just still so shocked.

So many things playing in my head, first she's marrying such a young guy, but a really really, and I mean really gorgeous one!

Second, he told me I was beautiful. Now he also told me not to take it the wrong way, so maybe he was merely complementing my appearance. Maybe he just honestly thought I was beautiful. Kinda like how I believe he's the most gorgeous guy I've ever laid my eyes upon, hands down.

It's not a "oh she's hot I like her" kinda thing. It's a "She's very beautiful, can be a model if she wanted." Kinda thing.

I'm sure that's probably what he meant.

I shook my head, looking out the window as we drove past the familiar trees and buildings of the smaller part of the city we lived in.

"Why didn't you tell me he was so young?" I ask, not bothering to even look at my mom when I talked to her. I knew she hated when people did that, hence the reason why I'm doing it.

I can hear her sigh. "I didn't tell you because I figured hearing it from him, hearing that he only saw this whole situation as 'business' would make you feel more at ease with the fact that he's young." She says.

"He seems nice." I shrug. "He is a fairly nice man. I met him through the company I work for. We write a lot of pieces on his business, well most of the time he pays us to write good pieces well everyone else writes negative ones." She laughs.

"He's just trying to keep a better social status." She adds. "Did He have a bad one before?" I ask, suddenly interested.

I actually turned myself in my seat to look at her.

"Eh, I wouldn't say it was a bad one. Just not ideal for him because he's a CEO." She shrugs slightly. "Like what exactly did he do that people didn't like?" I wanted to know more about him, sue me.

"Well he likes going to clubs, he doesn't date but he does occasionally sleep around." She looks at me, arching her eyebrow. Basically asking me if I got the gist.

I nodded. "Oh." I look back out the window as we turned down our street. "So we're moving in with him?" I ask.

She nods. "Yes. He doesn't want the media knowing that his wife, fiancé, whatever, is staying in a different home then his."

"And that means I'm moving too." I sigh out as she pulled the car into the driveway.

She turns of the engine, a slight laugh escaping her lips. "You won't find it so bad once you see his house." She says, getting out of the car.

I arch my eyebrows.

I suddenly wondered what his house looked like. I'm sure I'd see it in no time, but still.

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