Chapter 7

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I laid on my bed, bored.

I had begged Melissa to come over, since it was a Saturday and I had nothing to do, but unfortunately Melissa had a family event she had to go to.

So I was stuck inside.

There wasn't much to do.

I thought about going swimming, but that'd mean I'd have to search through my endless unpacked boxes for my swimsuit. That just sounded like a lot of work.

So I just laid in my bed, starring at my phone, not really doing much.

That's when I got a call from an unknown number. Which I never get. I debated whether to answer or not but after a short second decided to just answer.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Zaina?" I sit up, realizing it was Ben. I had completely forgotten that I had given him my number on Thursday.

"Uh, hey Ben." I would've thought he would've called sooner.

Stupid guys. They're just the honest worst. And if it weren't for my complicated life, I probably would've been waiting for his call all weekend.

"Sorry, I would've called sooner but honestly, just wasn't looking forward to it." I frown.

"I'm kidding." He laughs. "Oh my god I was about to hang up." I laugh, leaning back. "No, sorry I didn't call like yesterday, but I had work and by the time I got off, it was late."

"It's fine." I smile, biting my lip. "Anyways, Before I embarrass myself anymore, I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight?" I sit up again, basically almost falling off the bed. "Uh tonight?" I shake my head at my stupidity, he just said that!

"Yeah." I take in a deep breath, trying to get myself together. "Yeah sure, what'd you have in mind?" I felt like Ben wasn't your typical guy that would take you to a movie and dinner, I felt as if he really knew how to date a girl.

"Well do you like pasta?" He asks.

"I do." I laugh. "Good, I'll pick you up tonight around 7:30?" He asks. "Sounds good, I'll text you my address."

"See you then." With that I hang up, squealing slightly, excited.

At least I had something to do today. Although it wouldn't be until tonight..

It was barely 2.

I sigh, standing up and walking to one of my boxes and deciding to look for my swimsuit. I needed to do some kind of exercise at least.


Somehow, over the course of my life, I barely went on dates, so when it came down to a date, I had no freaking clue what to wear. The last time I went on a date, I was 17, and Melissa was present to help me pick out what to wear, not to mention that the style has changed since.

I just had no freaking idea what to wear. I went through all my packed boxes, going through and throwing around all my clothes, trying to find anything to wear tonight.

I wasn't sure if it was casual or dressy? And I thought about texting Ben and asking what I should wear but- well I don't know. Isn't that kinda embarrassing?

In general, the fact that I haven't been on a date since I was 17, is embarrassing. So maybe I should just ask because there isn't really a way I can embarrass myself more, right?!


"Zaina?" My mom knocks on my door, walking in. She wore her usual pencil skirt and whatever blouse that she paired with it.

"Yes?" I sit up from my laying position on the floor. "Oh my God Zaina, it's a complete mess in here? Do you not know how to unpack?" My mom asks, picking up a few of my clothing items off the floor.

"Yes mother, I do. I was just looking for something." I shake my head, running my hand through my hair. "You know I hate when you use that voice with me." She says. I roll my eyes at her.

"What are you looking for anyways? Maybe I packed it?" She asks.

I debated whether to tell her the truth or not. I mean it's been years, she's probably changed her mind about me dating since, right?

"Well, I'm not looking for anything certain, I'm looking for something to wear." I shrug. "To what?" She asks, contining to pick up my clothes and fold them, putting them in my dresser drawers.

"I'm going on a date.." I trail off, tucking my lips in my mouth, starring at her nervously. She darts her eyes at me.

"A date?" She asks. That's when I realized that my mother probably had not changed her mind about me dating. Although I can't let that effect me, or my life. She'd just have to deal with it. I'm an adult now, not a 17 year old girl just wanting to go on a date.

"Yes." I nod slowly.

"Zaina shouldn't you be focusing on other things? Like school? Don't you have homework?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.

"There's never going to be a point in my life where I should be focusing on something else then what I'm doing. And I'm focussed on school, but its the weekend, so I'm going on a date." She nods, looking at me with a stare I couldn't quite read.

Was she mad? Proud of me for sticking up for myself? I had no idea.

"Well, when this comes back to bite you in the ass, just remember that I disapproved." With that she walked out, shutting the door behind her.

My jaw dropped. What the hell was that?!

I clenched my fist, storming out of my room after her. She was halfway down the stairs.

"What makes you have the guts to talk to me like that?!" I yell after her from the top of the steps. She turns, arching her eyebrows, surprised. "Rethink youself Zaina." She says sternly. I laugh harshly. "No. After everything I've done, supporting you doing this," I refer to the house.

"Marrying some guy you don't know? Have I said anything negative to you about this? No! I just went along with this shit." I shake my head.

"Did you ever stop and think that maybe you don't need to be here? Maybe you should be going back to where you came from. I don't need you anymore." I cross my arms, tilting my head at her questionably. She laughs, walking back up the stairs until she was face to face with me.

"You think I'm staying here for you? No, I'm staying here for my job and if it weren't for my job, I'd be gone, not looking back once." She says, a smile on her lips.

It wasn't like a smile I'd ever seen my mom have before. It was like evil?

She gave me a mocking stare. I look away, blinking away any tears I had. "Do what you want Zaina. I never asked to be your mother." With that she walked away, leaving me standing their in utter shock.

My heart was pounding against my chest. I wasn't sure whether to cry or not. I wasn't sure what this meant either.

Was I suppose to leave? How would I leave when all I had was my mother?

"Zaina.." I felt someones hand go to the hem of my back. I turn around.

Christian was standing there, looking at me, concerned.

I didn't even know he was home. He was so quiet. He was probably just in his office this whole time.

"I-I'm sorry about that. She's-" I shake my head, giving out a laugh, wiping away my tears. "She's just going through something." I give him a fake smile before walking away to my bedroom.

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