Chapter 30

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I couldn't help but sit, somehow too shocked to even stand up to greet Alexander in a normal way.

The brunette was stunning. She was tall with natural waves of hair, her figure was curvy yet straight. She looked like a model, one that I wasn't sure if I can even attempt to compete with. "Thought you'd never show!" Christian said in a joking manner as he stood up to greet Alexander and the brunette. Christian gave Alexander a small hug before turning towards the girl. "And as for you- well I definitely didn't think I'd see you again. At least not anytime soon." Christian gave the girl a welcome hug before urging them to sit.

My heart was beating pretty fast in my chest and my mind kept telling me not to let my thoughts get ahead of myself. I wasn't sure who this girl was yet, perhaps she was just a friend? Or even a sister?

But it wasn't long until I realized that she wasn't just a friend nor a sister. Alexander's eyes laid on mine and a look of panic crossed his face though it quickly left. He sat down, not before pulling the chair next to him out for the girl to sit. "Thanks, dear." She said giving him a flirtatious smile.

By that time everyone had taken a seat on the table and the waiter came in carrying some menus that he passed out to the table before leaving without saying a word or even making much of any noise. I'm sure I was the only one that realized he had even came in and left.

"Alexander, who is this sweet looking girl?" My mother asks giving him a slight wink. He chuckles a nervous chuckle. "She uh- my uh-" he seemed to be stuttering, glancing at me for a quick second. "Alexander and I use to date not long back. We've been off and on- though our last breakup I was pretty sure I was done with him but his sweet face.. how can I resist?" The girl reached over squeezing alexanders cheek before hugging his side. "Very well." Christian nodded giving an amused look before taking a drink of his wine.

I must've been too pale for anyone not to notice because even Christian had given me an alarmed look. "So you're the lucky lady engaged to Christian?" The girl asks, turning her attention on my mother. "Yes, I am lucky." My mother linked her arms through Christians before leaning forward a bit and placing a kiss on his cheek. As if my night couldn't get more nauseating!

I grab my glass of wine managing to drink more than half of it within one gulp. "And who are you?" The girl asks, turning her attention to me. I look up from my empty wine glass. "Umm Zaina. Eva's my mother." I murmur. She smiled. "I'm Brittany, though most call me Britt." She seemed nice. I wasn't sure whether to hate her or not. I wasn't sure how to even react to her presence. Did she have any idea that her boyfriend was also mine? I'm sure she didn't.

"Are you alright Zaina? You look a little pale?" Christian asks in a small whisper so that I was the only one able to hear his question. "Just fine thank you." I turn forward towards Alexander.

How did I manage to fall for him? I knew he wasn't a good man, I knew he was a man whore from the gecko!

"So Alexander, you two were together before? Was there a reason you two broke up in the first place?" I ask, tilting my head a bit. "Zaina!" My mother gasped at my question. Alexander laughed nervously, looking down at his drink before taking a sip of it. "Just some differences, nothing major." He smiled though it was a fake smile. "I wouldn't say major. I thought he was cheating. There was some girl that kept hitting up his phone. Really just a jealous old fling of his." Brittany shook her head rolling her eyes at the thought.

"I'm sure. Alexander doesn't look like one to cheat." I point out. "Though what would I know? I've only known Alexander for a short while. I'm glad that he's finally committed though. I've heard of his many flings. He always seemed to be a bit busy." once again my mother gasped, clearly taken back by my sudden attitude.

I grab my glass of wine, lifting it up. "Cheers to commitment?" I suggest. Everyone awkwardly grabbed their glasses and cheered though no one seemed to be genuinely smiling.


Dinner had ended finally. I sat in silence the whole time well my mother managed to get the conversation back on track. I felt like an idiot sitting through that dinner. Alexander had told me I was the only girl he wanted to be with, yet there he was with a girl that he had been with off and on for who knows how long?!?

"I have to stop by my office to get a few things. I called a cab already I'll see you two at home?" My mother says while we walked outside. "Yes of course," Christian says giving my mother a smile before walking away towards the car. "And as for you- we have a lot to talk about." My mother gave me a knowing look before walking away, the sound of her heels trailing behind her.

Alexander and Brittany had left a bit earlier than us, thank God for that.

I quickly caught up with Christian who politely opened my door for me. I mutter a thank you before getting in, looking down at my phone. I half expected to see some kind of text from Alexander, an explanation maybe but there was nothing.

Christian got in the car and before I know if we were off, passing all the tall city buildings. I looked out the window as we passed Christians office building. It seemed taller sitting down.

"So- how long have you've been seeing him?" I narrow my eyes, turning towards Christian. "What?" I ask, taken back. I knew what he was asking me but every part of me was hoping that he wasn't asking what I thought he was asking.

"You and Alexander? How long?" He glanced at me, his face serious. I frown. Not only had my night gone badly but I was facing something I had dreaded for so long. But I figured the moment Christian found out about Alexander and me, Alexander would be present, it'd be less weird because Christian wouldn't show his disappointment and disgust right away. But what did I expect? Did I expect that eventually I'd tell him and he'd be okay with that?

He sure as hell didn't look okay with it now. "A few months," I say in defeat, looking down at my hands. Christian stayed silent after that all the way home. I was afraid to look up at his expression, afraid to see how mad he actually was.

As soon as the car stopped he didn't hesitate to get out and leave me in the car. I grabbed my bag and walked out, staring after him as he walked up to the door, unlocking it and walking inside, shutting the door behind him.

I was speechless. Motionless at that. What was I supposed to do? What could I possibly say that would make him forgive me? I found myself searching my mind with any ideas that would fix all of this. That would somehow erase everything with Alexander. If there was a button I could just push to go back in time, to just be able to stop my stupid mistakes I would.

I quickly walk after him, opening the door and shutting it. He was at the coat closet, taking off his coat and hanging it up.

"Christian?" My voice sounded shaky, it didn't even sound like my own voice, I couldn't recognize it at least. "I didn't- this wasn't meant to happen this way. I thought- I don't know! I have no idea what I thought but... I never meant to hurt you in any way.l" my voice was filled with desperation. I was desperate to get any word out of him, for him to say anything to me!

"It's late and I can't do this." He shakes his head, shutting the closet door before beginning to walk upstairs. "You said it yourself Christian! You should've never let your feeling towards me get in the way of anything! You're marrying my mother! You and I are definitely a thing that is not supposed to happen!" I blurt out. He turns around. "Zaina, please just stop. You're a grown woman- you're very capable of making your own decisions. You're capable of choosing who you want to spend your time with. You do not have to explain yourself." He looked tired, he looked like he didn't want to talk about this anymore.

I frown, looking down at my feet. I wasn't sure what to say next, I wasn't sure if there was anything I could possibly say that would be right.

"Just- why him?" I look up and realized that he wasn't mad- he was sad. He was hurt. I had hurt him. The most caring, nicest man I've ever met and I managed to hurt him. "I don't know," I whisper.

He nods slowly before continuing his way up the stairs. I stood there until I can hear his door open and close.

I took a seat on the steps, putting my face in my hands.

What the fuck had I done?

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