Chapter 22

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The day had been long. Veronica had been a huge bitch. I was pretty much a nervous wreck when Alexander had shown up. Apart of me was so afraid he'd mention our relationship to Christian. I was relieved but also a little offended when I found out he didn't. Relieved because I had no idea how Christian would react to it. Offended because why wouldn't he bring up our relationship to Christian? After all, I live with Christian and his best friend is Christian?!

So it'd make sense to bring it up, right?

"Hello, Zaina." Christian walked out of his office and stood in front of my desk. "Do I have anything else on the schedule?" He asks. I shake my head, looking at his schedule that thankfully had been cleared. He had meetings all day not to mention a ton of work! "What time is it?" He asks. "A minute past 8." That's when I remembered he had made me write down 8 o'clock on my notepad this morning.

He nods, giving me a smile. "You're off." my eyes widen, almost wanting to jump in joy at that. "Seriously? Like I'm off work?" I ask excitingly. He chuckles, nodding. "Yup, you did a good job. Veronica gave me your report." I narrow my eyes.

Knowing Veronica already, and knowing that she isn't too fawned of me, I doubt that "report" is good.

"What exactly did her 'report' say?" I ask, slightly cringing. "Umm- she said you're good with pressure, great multitasker and very fit for the job." That was surprising. I had no idea that she'd be reporting back to Christian nor did I think she'd write something good about me!

"Wow, didn't expect that." I murmur mostly to myself.

"I called you a car it's waiting outside to take you home." He says, about to walk back into his office. "Oh wait, aren't you off?" I ask well gathering my belongings. "No, I got too much work." He gives me a reassuring smile. "Aren't you the boss? Don't you get to choose what time you leave?"

"I do, but I have deadlines to meet." He shrugs. I nod slowly.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I smile politely at him before grabbing my coat off the chair and walking away.

"Oh umm, Christian?" I stop, turning toward him. "Yes?"

"Thanks for the job." He smiles warmly before nodding.

With that, I walked away into the elevator and out of the building.

I spotted the familiar black SUV that usually picked up Christian.

I got inside, smiling at the driver. "I think Christian told you to take me home?" I ask the man in the front seat. He nods.

"Umm would it be okay if I changed my destination? If not I can catch a cab?" He shakes his head. "Nonsense. Wherever you'd like to go." He smiles.


I arrived at Alexander's apartment building. I wasn't quite sure why I had chosen to come over like he had asked. But apart of me felt like I needed to get some stuff off my chest. I definitely needed to confront him about the title of our relationship and the fact that he never calls or texts me. I mean yeah we had only technically been on one date but we had slept together twice!

Wow, I sound crazy!

I hesitated for what felt like forever before finally getting the courage to knock on the door. It wasn't like I wasn't expected! He had told me to come over earlier. 

Finally, after a few seconds of standing there and debating whether to leave or not, he opened the door, smiling. "Hi, come in!" He opened the door wider and welcomed me into his familiar apartment. 

"I hope you're hungry because I made you spaghetti." I arch my eyebrows, slightly surprised because I half expected this to be a booty call. 

"Yeah okay- but first would you mind if we talked for a second?" I ask, quite unsure of how this conversation would go. I hoped it'd go the way I wanted it to be. But I was very afraid that it wouldn't.

"Of course." He closes the door before leading me into his kitchen where he continued to prepare the meal he was making well I talked.

"Umm- it may be a little too soon to be asking this, but I'd like to know where exactly we stand?" I felt nervous as hell, not to mention what Christian had said to me had stuck with me all day. He had told me that Alexander slept with more girls then he can count! That's not something you want to hear about the guy you're kinda seeing!

"What do you mean?" Alexander asks, narrowing his eyes at me. I sigh, looking down at my feet.

"I mean is this some sort of relationship? Or is this just us hooking up so often?" He chuckles slightly as if feeling uncomfortable. To be honest I felt pretty uncomfortable myself.

"I mean I would like to think it was headed in that direction?" He shrugs. "Why are you asking?" I know that some guys are a little oblivious to some things but really? He had no clue on why I was asking?!

"Well you don't call me or text.. you take me on this extravagant overnight date and then you just drop me off and don't text me for like a week! Then you suddenly see me and invite me over like it's nothing like I'm some booty call. I mean I'm not trying to be clingy or anything like that but not calling or texting for a whole week?! That's a little insane.." I tuck my lip into my mouth in a nervous gesture, waiting for his response.

"Wow- umm...I'm sorry. I've never done this relationship thing before. I kinda just forget that things are expected. I'm really sorry- you're completely right. I guess I really lack in that area-" He shakes his head. "I want us to be exclusive. I don't want you to go find someone else because I can't call you- my point is I'll try harder, or actually try to make this feel like an actual relationship. I don't ever want you to feel like some booty call."

He places his hands on both my shoulders, staring at me straight in the eyes. "Can you ever forgive me?" I knew he was partly joking on the whole forgiveness thing, but I felt like he really was sincere.

I roll my eyes, laughing slightly. "Fine.." He smiles before leaning in and kissing my forehead. "Great because I don't just make spaghetti for anyone! You're very lucky." He winks, going back to making his dish for us. 

"Why don't you grab some wine from the wine cooler and some glasses and pour us a drink?" He asks, nodding his head over to the small wine cooler in the corner of his kitchen. "Sounds great."

I felt a little relieved. He had finally confirmed that we were actually headed somewhere. Meaning we were finally turning into a sort of relationship! It definitely felt great to get that off my chest. This whole time I had been lost on what to define us as. 

Though I felt still somewhat a little worried.

I wasn't sure if he'd tell Christian about us. I wasn't quite ready for him to find out about Alexander and I. Nor did I want my mother to find out. She'd probably freak out a little but I also had a feeling she'd love the idea and go overboard with the whole thing. I have no idea how, but I knew she would. 

My mom never really approved of me dating but one thing I remember her pointing out to me maybe one too many times was that if I ever were to date it'd have to be a rich, handsome man that can support me.

Now I feel like someone like my mom who earns her success shouldn't be saying something like that to her daughter, but I also had a feeling she doubted I'd go anywhere in life. Which is a huge insult but also expected by my mother.

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