Chapter 21

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I know this is a very later update! But it was summer and I had finally decided that I needed a bit of a break from writing. I love writing so much but I felt pressured to put out a new chapter everyday that I got almost too exhausted from it! But I'm back for good and ready to start updating regularly for you guys! I probably won't be updating like everyday because I have school and work but I will update at least 3 days a week! Anyways sorry and enjoy this chapter!!


So far today hadn't been the easiest. Veronica had been showing me around, telling me everything I need to know, which was a lot of stuff. On top of that, I barely wrote anything down that I needed to know. Basically, I felt like I was already failing on the first day of work.

After Veronica had got done showing me around the office we went back to my desk where she handed me Christians schedule for today.

I meant to ask her what 8:30 meant to Christian and why he had me write it down but I had totally forgotten and by the time I remembered, she had left back to wherever she had came from in the first place.

Christians Schedule was actually pretty freaking busy! He had meetings from the beginning of the day until 2 and after that, he had even more work that he can luckily do in his office.

I sat on my desk writing everything from the list of Christians Schedule for today and tomorrow into the planner.

"What are you doing?" I look up at Veronica who gave me a weird look. "Uh-working?" I question, kinda dumbfounded by her question. "You have to go get Mr.Davenports lunch! He'll be back in less than an hour!" She basically yells, looking down at her watch.

"Okay, calm down... I'll do it." I had no idea why she was freaking out over something so damn simple!

She almost immediately glared at me from her spot. "Look, I understand that you know Davenport, and that's probably the only reason someone like you got this job. But people here-" She motions to everyone around us in desks, looking very busy. "We actually want and need this job. Especially me. So get your ass off that chair and go get his lunch before I stop helping your sorry ass." She says sarcastically, dropping a pair of keys on my desk and walking away.

I stood there a little taken back. Also kinda mad that she talked to me that way.

But I just took a deep breath and got up to go get Christians lunch.


Getting Christians lunch was harder than expected. Of course, the place I was supposed to get him lunch at was super busy today of all days! I waited half an hour just for his lunch, which the girl mentioned that if I call ahead of time it'll be done faster. I took that into mind!

I probably ran a few red lights coming back after I had gotten 5 texts from Veronica that I needed to hurry.

I ran into the huge building and into the elevators where I breathed a sigh of relief.

Being an assistant was not easy! Especially to someone very freaking important.

I got up to our floor, walking into the office, praying to God that Christian hadn't come back yet.

I was greeted immediately by Veronica.

"I got his food." I murmur, exhausted. "Good, unfortunately, you were taking too long so I also got his food. He's in his office. I made an excuse that you were busy cleaning up a coffee mess you made. Anyways next time be faster." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away.

Apart of me wanted to scream, another part of me wanted to also slap her. I decided not to do either.

I walked to my desk and sat back in my chair where I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

After a minute or two of contemplating leaving, I looked down at Christians Schedule. The next thing on it wasn't very pleasing. It read "meeting with Alexander"

My eyes went wide and so many things ran through my freaking head at once! Alexander was probably on his way, meaning he was coming here! I'd have to see him and so would Christian!

Would he say something about us? Would he tell Christian?! What would Christians reaction be!

Oh please God let the Alexander be a whole different Alexander! I mean it wasn't a hugely common name, but maybe Christian knew two different people named Alexander? Just maybe?

"Hi." I look up from Christians Schedule at Christian who walked out of his office.

"Hi." I give him a fake smile, not really sure how I'd be able to give a genuine smile at the moment.

"How's your day been?" He asks. I thought over my day. Most people here were rude and didn't like me. Veronica was a bitch that clearly hated that I had this job. I didn't even understand what she did here!

And now I found out that Alexander was meeting with Christian within the next hour and I was freaking out.

"Great! How was yours?" I lie. "Boring. Tiring. I hate it." He gives me a cheeky smile before looking down at my desk. "What do I have next?" He asks. "Meeting with umm-Alexander." I murmur.

Please God, don't let it actually be Alexander!

"Ah, I forgot he's back in town. We had a meeting last week but at the last moment he, of course, decided to go out of town with some women. I swear that man sleeps with more woman then I can count." My jaw basically fell through to the ground, shocked.

I quickly regain my senses, trying not to make it seemed obvious at how shocked I was at the moment.

I give Christian a nice smile trying to make it seem like I wasn't freaking out inside. My whole day couldn't have gone worse, now it was worse! Way worse then Veronica being a jerk to me for no apparent reason! 

"He should be here soon, I'll let you know when he comes." He nods before walking away into his office.

I kept telling myself that everything would be fine. I would escort Alexander into Christians office and Christian wouldn't expect a thing. Plus I only had a few more hours left until I can finally go home. I was hoping I wouldn't have to spend any more time here with Christian. I wasn't exactly sure when he would bring up what had happened the other night and I was praying he wouldn't bring it up anytime soon.

In fact, I would like to completely forget about it.

"Zaina." I look up in shock at Alexander who was standing before my desk. I hadn't even realized he had walked in. I gulp down the huge lump in my throat and regain my senses. 

"Alexander.." I breathe out his name. For a second I had completely forgotten why he was here, then I remembered that he was here for Christian. 

"Christian is in his office if you'd like to just walk in." I murmur, looking down at Christians schedule to see what else he had to do after this.

"Thank you." I give him a quick smile before looking back at Christians schedule. I was hoping he got the hint that small talk wasn't something I wanted to do at the moment.

I glance at him slightly, relieved when I saw him walking towards Christians office door.

"Oh and Zaina?" I look at him feeling like I had spoken too soon. "Why don't you come over to my place when you're done here?" He asks, leaving me in shock. Before I can answer he walked into Christian office, shutting the door behind him.

I sigh, slumping back in my chair.

My life freaking sucks.

"Zaina, we aren't paying you to be lazy." I can hear Veronica sing out as she walked past my desk. I roll my eyes, flipping her off behind her back.

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