Chapter 15

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"Thanks for dinner Christian. I could've paid." I point out as we walked out of the pizza restaurant.

Dinner was really nice. I had a fun time. We had talked a lot about different things, random things. It was fun and felt simple, honestly.

"Of course. I wasn't about to let you pay though, that's not who I am." He gives me a slight smile.

I smile back, feeling that butterfly feeling in my stomach again. I hated when that happened because I knew I was blushing.

Why did I feel like this night was a date? I mean I knew it wasn't but I felt like I was treating it as one.

It's just dinner.

I had to keep reminding myself that it's nothing. He doesn't like me or anything it's just me getting the wrong signals, or mistaking things for signals.

He walks to my car door and opens it for me like before. "Thank you," I say before getting in.

He was so nice. I felt like there was so much about him I didn't know yet. Apart of me wanted to know everything there was about him. To his favorite color all the way to his biggest regret, if that made sense?

He got inside the car, buckling himself in before turning on the engine and backing out of the parking lot.

For a Saturday night, the town looked pretty dead. It was 9 at night already but still, it wasn't normally this dead.

I wondered if there was a concert of some short that everyone was attending.

"Can I ask you a few questions about yourself?" I ask Christian, slightly turning in my seat to look at him.

He glances at me surprised before looking back at the road. "Uh, sure I guess." He gives me a quick smile and motions me to ask away.

"Umm, what's your favorite part about your job?" I ask. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, so many things I wanted to know.

"Uh, well my job isn't an awesome job that makes a huge difference in the world, but I do donate a lot to charities and-" he shrugs. "It just makes me feel good to know that all my hard work pays off in that way." He says.

My heart basically melted. He was so sweet! I mean charities? Come on! He's basically the definition of perfect.

"Wow, that's very nice," I whisper, still slightly taken back. "Have you ever been married?" I ask, wondering if that was too much of a personal question. It was too late now to take it back.

"No." He shakes his head. I bite my lip, debating whether to ask my next question. "Can I ask why?" He had told me that he didn't really have time for dating and stuff, but honestly, if you wanted to, you'd find the time.

"Umm, I mean it's not like I never wanted to. I just don't think I can give anyone enough attention with how much I work. I just don't think marriage would work out for me." He says.

I look down at my hands, feeling bad for him suddenly. Yeah, it was his choice to work such a hard job, but I'm sure getting into it he probably didn't think that he wouldn't be able to have a social life!

"Can I ask you a question?" He asks suddenly, glancing at me.

I look up, surprised. I nod.

"This may be personal, but I'm curious. Don't answer if you don't want to." He says. "Okay." I nod.

"I've noticed that you and your mom aren't the closest in the world. I mean, I'm sure you've noticed as well. Why exactly do you choose to put up with her?" He asks.

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