Chapter 47

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I stood watching from afar. There she was, giggling and twirling her hair as she talked to Christian. He was making her laugh and in the pit of my stomach, I felt sour. I knew exactly what it was too! The sour taste of jealousy!

I had made an excuse that I needed the restroom. I ran away looking up the picture again. It was her! They had seen each other not long ago! So why did Christian pretend as if he hadn't seen her in ages! In the picture they looked so close- now I know why!

They had chemistry. What that chemistry consisted of? Well, no idea! Oh, wait yeah! They were engaged.

I bit my lip, staring at them. They seemed so comfortable with each other. The way she laughed and touched his shoulder so casually.

There was something else obviously going on here! He was hiding something. Maybe they were back together- maybe Christian isn't the perfect man I've sought him out to be!

No one's perfect. I know that! I just thought that maybe Christian was close to it...

I turned away, walking out of the building and down the steps. I spotted the car that had taken Christian and me here. The driver leaned against it, a magazine in his hand. He seemed bored and I didn't blame him. But we told him to stand by because we didn't plan on being too long. We wanted to get on with our weekend.

"Are we ready?" He asked me, a smile on his face though I knew he was just eager to leave.

I myself felt suddenly eager to leave. I watched as he opened the car door for me, awaiting me in. I stared at it and then back at the building.

"Umm... yeah. It's just me though." With that I got inside, holding my dress as I attempted to get in without getting the dress caught on anything. Though it wasn't puffy or anything it was long enough to step on!

With that, the driver got in and we drove off back towards Christians penthouse.

Was it stupid of me to leave because I was jealous?

I wouldn't say that I left because of that reason only! I mean I had left because I couldn't stand there feeling angry watching him with her! The image of that picture of them still was in front of my head. The way they leaned so close to each other...

If the picture wasn't still, I'd expect them to be kissing next. And who knows! Maybe they did?

Once I got back to the penthouse I immediately changed out of the dress and into some more casual comfortable clothes. I then took off the very beautiful pearl necklace placing it back into the box it had come to me in.

I just didn't understand. If Christian was with this woman secretly, why go out of the way to be with me? Why would he drag me along? Put me through so many emotions and make me feel horrible about lying to my mother about our relationship! All to just go behind my back and be with someone else?

Maybe I just don't know Christian as well as I thought... I mean before I even met him my mother stated that he didn't have the best reputation when it came to his love life. I never thought to look into it and see what she meant completely.

Maybe at the end of the day, Christians just a player, and he played me.

After changing I crawled into bed. The sheets were amazingly comfortable! I felt as if I can just sink into them and forever sleep! And at this point that sounded amazing!

I stayed on my phone, feeling restless. Not to mention it was still somewhat early!

It wasn't long until I got a call from Christian. I decided not to answer. My way of showing to him that I was mad! Because now I am!

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